Chapter 27: Swear On My Father's Grave

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(Y/n)'s perspective;
We entered a relatively clean bedroom, well cleaner than the rest of the building. The girl named Ariel sat on a plain bed in the left hand corner of the room. She began to wrap her knuckles in red tape. I also noticed a sheathed katana sitting by the bed.

Ariel: How was your trip?

Patty: Not bad, boring.

(Y/n): Ain't that an understatement...

I peeked out the window nearest to me. I could see a huge tower in the distance. It was the only thing I could see beyond the dead trees.

(Y/n): What's that tower?

After unknowingly interrupting the others, Ariel turned her attention to me. I couldn't really read her, she had a deadpan face.

Ariel: That's the old church. It's been abandoned for centuries, something evil happened there.

Ash: What?

Ariel: An ancient devil resurrected and made the church into his home. He's been there forever it seems. After the construction of the new church, things had quieted down.

(Y/n): New? This place looks like shit-

Ariel: Watch your mouth!

Silence filled the whole room. Her voice was so demanding and firm.

Ariel: That's your destination.

Ariel stood up and walked to the window in front of me, she pointed to the tower outside. The tower itself had this uncomfortable aura about it, disturbing.

Ariel: It's been killing again. The new church has suffered greatly all because of him.

(Y/n): So you want us to kill him?

Ariel: Yes, that's the job.


After what seemed like an eternity, we got moving. Finally! I've been itchin' to kill.

We followed Ariel through the dead veggies on a tattered path. After a while, we came to a set of crossroads. There stood an angel statue, her face was stained with blood as if she'd been crying. Her gaze was pointed left. Yeah, scaaaarrryyy... tsk.

Ariel: Beyond this point there's no turning back, are you sure you all can handle this?

(Y/n): Yeah, yeah.

I started to walk forward but before long I was reprehended. Ariel had grabbed my shoulder as I was walking off.

Ariel: Not that way... this way.

She led us left which somehow brought us back to the statue. This time the statue was looking directly at us. Ariel turned us around back the way we came and we ended up back at the crossroads. The statue was now facing right.

We continued to move in the direction of the statues glare till we came to a graveyard. Beyond it was the old church.

Ariel: I've been studying this place for years

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Ariel: I've been studying this place for years. No turning back now hunters, I hope you're capable.

As we walked about the yard I had a sneaking suspicion that we were being watched.

Patty: Guys!

I looked in Patty's direction and saw some devils creeping up on us.

(Y/n): Fun time!

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(Y/n): Fun time!

I equipped my newest sword and took the lead. My sword tore through the first three easily with it's serrated edge, the howls of pain brought forth more!

It was then that I noticed two knobs on the handle of my blade. I turned the first which caused it to rev much to my surprise!

(Y/n): Now that's... what I'm talking about!

The second knob sprayed some kind of oil on the sword, lighting it up!

(Y/n): Fire-starter!

I swung it around sharp almost losing control of it. The blade tore through the tin canisters like a chainsaw! Before I could react, Msira began to box us in.

I brought my sword to the ground before lifting it up tossing demons in the air! My new pistol found its way in my hand, with one shot I decimated 5 in a row.

Ash was swinging her stick around like an acrobat while Pat Pat used her guns for long range attacks. My gaze found Ariel just standing in front of a grave without paying anything else attention. Her sword was by her side stationary as she was.

(Y/n): The hell is she doing?!

Instead of getting an answer I got smacked by a savage golem! I managed to dodge all follow up attacks as Patty blew them back to hell with her grenade launcher.

Before the Msira could further block us in, Ash stuck her pole in the ground before giving me a 'do it now' look. So I jumped to the pole and swung around knocking everything by my sides away. Ash jumped off my back and impaled a Vanguard with her stick!

Just as I thought we were done, Assaults ripped their way out of the ground.

Patty tossed me one of her guns allowing me to borrow it for a sec as I twirled it around on my pointer finger blasting demon scum!

After a few more shots, silence filled the air. The demons had been defeated... for now. Patty had a pissed off look on her face, she seemed to be fixated on Ariel.

Patty: What's your problem?!

Ariel: ...What?

Patty: You just stood there without a care in the world!

I walked pass the bickering women and up to the grave Ariel was watching. The name had been scratched up and was no longer eligible. Assorted dead roses encircled the stone.

(Y/n): Who is it?

My outburst interrupted the two arguing women. Patty was still pissed but retained herself for the time being. Ash stood back with a hand on Patty's shoulder, she gave me a slight nod to which I responded with the same.

Ariel walked to my side while keeping her eyes trained on the grave.

Ariel: ...My father.

Pat Pat's pissed look quickly turned into one of sympathy. Ash and I kept a straight face as we acknowledged the importance of this job. She obviously wanted some form of revenge, the demon we're hunting probably. I decided not to push.

Ariel: ...I'm gonna make good on my promise. I swear...

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