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Johnny hums softly to himself, waiting outside of the school for Ponyboy. Since Johnny considered himself too stupid to education, he just didn't go. The boy loved to support his friends though and enjoyed seeing them go on to better things.

The weather was starting to get colder which meant Johnny couldn't stay in the lot since he'd probably freeze to death throughout the night. He would either have to sleep at home and risk a beating or take a nice, warm spot at the Curtis house whether it be in bed with Ponyboy or even the couch.

Johnny would gladly take the couch or the bed.

After a few minutes of waiting, Ponyboy walks out of the school. The 14-year-old perks up at the sight of his best friend and walks over to him quickly. The older boy had never done this before. It made him happy though.

"What are you doing here," Ponyboy asks. "It's freezing outside and you've just been standing here." He smiles though, despite the worry for Johnny.

"I just wanted to come to see you get out of school is all," Johnny says. "I wanted to walk you home. Besides, I wanted to talk to you about something when we get to your house. It's important." Ponyboy nods in response.

"Of course, anything," Ponyboy says. "Now we better hurry up and get home then if it's this important. Besides, the Socs are probably getting around to walk about and mess with people. I don't wanna be a part of that."

Johnny nods and starts walking, the younger boy following beside him. Ponyboy looks around as he walks, looking at all the snow on the ground. It wasn't much but it was a lot to him since he was never a fan of the snow or the cold.

"Is the important topic on what I think it is," Ponyboy asks. "Or is it something else that I need to know?" Johnny smiles a little. The younger boy was so caring.

"It's about the topic you think it is," Johnny says. "I'm just a little curious about a few things and wanted to get some answers." Ponyboy nods.

"All right, Johnnycake," Ponyboy replies. "I'll get you some answers." He smiles softly. "You're doing really good by the way... On the topic anyway. I'm really proud of you, even if you get grumpy with me sometimes."

Johnny's cheeks go red and he looks down sheepishly, continuing to walk down the sidewalk to the Curtis house. The past few days have been a little rough and it ended up with Johnny in tears, not wanting to try anymore. Ponyboy convinced him to keep going through and comforted him. That's what Johnny loved about him so much. The younger boy was so caring.

"I'm sorry that I'm really grumpy," Johnny says. "It just gets really hard because I think that I'm eating too much and that I'm gonna get fat. I don't wanna be like that, Ponyboy. I wanna love myself."

"And you're doing such a good job," Ponyboy says. "I can already see your attitude improving and that's great. I don't mind you being grumpy either. All I gotta do it hug you and stuff and you calm down. It's like I relax you." Johnny blushes more.

"You do relax me, a lot," Johnny says. "You're always there for me and you always offer to talk with me if you need it. You're such an amazing friend and I really appreciate you being there for me. It means a lot." Ponyboy slings an arm around Johnny's shoulders.

"Awe, you're so sweet," Ponyboy says. "Of course I got you. You're my best friend in the whole world, Johnny. I always notice when something's up with you. It's like I'm a mind reader."

"You're the best mind reader ever then." Both boys laugh and smile at that.

After a bit more time of walking and talking, they make it to the Curtis house. Ponyboy walks up the steps and smiles, opening the door. Johnny steps in and hums, taking a deep breath. He chokes a little. Someone was cooking dinner already.

Ponyboy steps inside after him and closes the door, looking at Johnny. He could smell the food as well and knew Johnny wasn't going to take it too well. The boy was a bit nervous for him actually. For the past week, Johnny has been eating granola bars or some cereal. Now, he was going to have to eat at the table in front of Darry and Soda and whoever showed up out of the gang.

"Let's just go to my room, okay," Ponyboy suggests. "We'll get you out of the smell shot of the food. I don't want you getting sick on me." Johnny nods in agreement.

Ponyboy and Johnny walk to the bedroom, closing the door behind them. The younger boy sits his stuff down and does to the closet, grabbing Johnny's progress notebook. Johnny sits on the bed and looks at him.

The 14-year-old hums and walks over, sitting next to Johnny. He opens the notebook and looks over all the notes and things he writes down. Ponyboy looks at Johnny.

"What do you want to know," Ponyboy asks. "Name it and you got it." Johnny looks at him and takes a deep breath.

"Have... Have I made any progress at all," Johnny asks. "Physically...?" He bites his chapped lip nervously. "I just wanna know if my efforts see really working." Ponyboy looks over his notebook.

"Johnnycake," Ponyboy cooes comfortingly, giving him a small smile. He wanted to let him down easy. "It's only been a week and you can't make too much progress in that time. Sure, you've gotten better at food intake considering you are about half a bowl of cereal this morning (small bowl). From where we started a week ago, that's so good. So, not really. Physical progress was pretty much nothing... But, I charted that you managed to gain about a quarter of a pound. You're already working good! Mentally you've made tons of progress! Your energy has gone up a little bit and you seem to be a little happier despite your grumpy moments."

Johnny looks at him and swallows thickly. Only a quarter of a pound...? A straight week of actually eating something and not throwing it back up and he only got a quarter of a pound...? The mocha-skinned boy's eyes water and he sniffles softly. He was hoping for more progress than that.

Ponyboy sits the notebook aside and brings Johnny into his arms, hugging him lightly. He didn't want to see him cry like that. The 16-year-old was doing good. Why wasn't he proud of himself?

"Oh Johnny," Ponyboy cooes softly. "It's okay, you know? You're slowly making progress... It will take time to see results and to get a lot better... You can't just make something happen overnight. It takes time. Be proud of the progress you have made." Johnny sniffles again.

"I-i just thought I would have done better," Johnny murmurs weakly, nuzzling his face into Ponyboy's shoulder. "I-i've been eating and not throwing it up... I-i thought I would have gained an l-little more is all..." Ponyboy rubs his back.

"Well, I know that you might feel bad," Ponyboy says. "But I'm so proud of you... A quarter of a pound is such a big deal for me to see you again. From the weight you started at, that's a step. I mean, it's a baby step but it's a step. Be proud of what you've done so far. It'll be rocky but I'm gonna push you forward."

Johnny smiles softly and relaxes into the younger boy, sniffling again. He wipes his teary eyes on him and hugs back, staying close to him. The boy was happy that Ponyboy was proud of him for coming this far in the past week.

Right then, Johnny was sure he felt a little stronger about his best friend. It was a new feeling he's never experienced before but he was sure he liked it.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Word Count: 1362

How was this?

Here is a nice long chapter for my almost a month absence on this story. A lot had been going on and I refuse to put out anything but my best on this story.

I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter because I worked really hard on it and so many emotions went into it 💞

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