Chapter 2

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"So, how was school today?" my mother asked.

"Fine, i'm just happy that its break." I said, not looking up from my chicken nuggets.

"Do you have any plans?"

"No. But I'll probably hang out with Liana."

I finished my nuggets and went back to my room. I was tired, it had been a long day.

I was so tired that I didn't bother to change into my pajamas, I was already wearing shorts and a t-shirt so why bother? I had just closed my eyes when a voice whispered from the watch.

"You must be the dullest human alive..." My eyes snapped open and I bit back a scream.

"Who-? Oh, it's you. Shut up, my mom might hear you."

"No, only you can hear me right now. Because i'm allowing you too."

"No, I will not let you out! You'll do something weird."

"You don't even know me!"

He had a point, I hadn't even given him a chance, probably because he had shown up in my room while I was home alone! But if I believed what he said, It wasn't his fault...

I slowly took the watch out of my pocket and clicked it open. There was a puff of red smoke and Fritz stood in front of me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"Go out, see how much has changed."

"Well don't go out dressed like that, you'll get too much attention."

Fritz stuck his tongue out and made a waving motion with his hand and there was another puff of smoke, he now wore faded jeans and a black jacket.

"Is this fine?"


He looked like a normal teenager, his bright red hair and emerald eyes contrasted the darkness of the outfit and made him look- No. I was not going to have a crush on a genie.

I shook my head to clear out those thoughts and went to sleep. I didn't hear him leave.

The next morning I lay in bed until ten. I rolled over sleepily and felt something hard in my bed. It was the watch. I studied it, I hadn't had the chance to really study it yesterday. It was gold, with a small knob on top. I twisted it without thinking.

"What do you want, Master." A sarcastic voice asked.

"When did you get back in the watch?"

"I wasn't, I was watching humans play football."

"How did-"

"The watch. Summons me."

"Oh, oops."

Fritz made a face and was about to say something when my mom knocked on the door. He disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Who are you talking to? Do I hear a boy in your room‽"

"No! It's my radio, I set an alarm!" I answered quickly.

"Ok sweetie, don't stay in bed all day," She said.

When she left I breathed a sigh of relief. Getting caught with a guy in my room was not on my to-do list.

From inside the watch Fritz asked,

"Hey, can you allow me to exit and enter the watch freely?"

"Fine, just don't pop up randomly. Make sure no one is near me." I said

"You gotta command it. It won't work unless it's an official request."

"Ugh. Alright. Fritz, you can enter and leave your watch whenever you want."

Fritz made a happy noise and came out of the watch and sat at my desk, feet up on the table. I sat back on my bed and looked out the window.

A few minutes later my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read the new text, it was from Liana. She wanted to meet up for lunch at the mall, I texted a quick affirmative answer and went to my closet. I was about to get dressed for the day, but remembered the geni-no Djinn standing in my room. I turned and held out the watch.

"Get in."

"Why should I?" Friz huffed.

"Or just get out of my room for a few minutes?" I groaned.

"Okay, Master."

I chucked a shoe at him, but it only hit smoke.

After getting dressed and walking to my car, I started to drive to the arranged meeting spot. I had just pulled out onto a road that was slightly bigger than a neighborhood road when Fritz appeared in the passenger seat and put his feet up on the dash. I slammed on the brakes and hissed

"What do you think you're doing?"

"You might want to start moving again." He replied.

A small group of cars had come up behind me and one honked, I was taking up the whole road. Once we had started moving again, I slapped Fritz's ankles and told him to take his feet off the dash. He stuck his tongue out but he was forced to comply.

We arrived at my destination about five minute later. Fritz was told to take a hike and I walked into the mall. It took me a minute to find the food court, malls are really confusing. When I finally found it, Liana was sitting at a table with a tray of chinese fast food. I joined her after getting some pizza and a cherry soda.

"How's your break going?" She asked cheerfully.

"It's going well, a bit more stressful than i'd hoped, but it's still nice." I answered truthfully.

"How's it stressful? We've been out for one day!"

"Something came up from my dad's past." I mumbled.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Is there anything I can do to help?" She cried.

"Shh. You're too noisy!" I scolded.

She seemed to ignore me and was now talking about going to get ice cream later to help calm me down.

"It's fine, really. Its nothing that I can't handle."

She took that as an answer and after we finished our lunches she dragged me to a clothing store.

It went well until my watch started talking to me.

"Psst. Can I come out now?"

"No!" I hissed.

"Did you say something Nora?" Liana asked.

"No, just deciding whether or not to get this skirt."

"Oh, Ok. I think its cute! You should try it on!" Liana said cheerfully.

I plucked one of the tops off the rack that was in my size, I hadn't really been looking at it before, but, I think I could use a pretty blue skirt.

"Nice save."

"Shut up." I grumbled after I had made it out of Liana's earshot.

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