Chapter 14

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Again, reds and purples swirled in the nothingness, I was sure I could never get used to this feeling. I couldn't tell if it felt good or bad.

The feeling was quickly replaced by frigid wind, it bit into my exposed skin like a knife. Like before, I was on my back. I sat up and hugged my arms around my torso, opening my eyes.

My surroundings were all white. The air was thin and there was no sign of civilization. Despite being covered in snow, the rocky ground was hard and cold. I felt the snow melted by my body heat seep into my jeans and lept up quickly, stung by the coldness. It’s not going to be fun to walk around in this freezing weather in wet jeans.

I spotted Mangoo rubbing his arms slowly a few feet away from where I was standing. His fault for wearing short sleeves and… were those Bermuda shorts?! When had he changed?

“Cold are we?” I asked sarcastically.

“Quite, Fritz is wearing my normal clothing at the moment…”

“What?! Really? Why? Where is he anyway?”

“Hah! You think my clothes are strange? Should have seen the things he tried during the sixties… He-”

“That’s enough....” Fritz said, the smoke from his transport whisked away quickly by the wind. Mangoo had been right, Fritz was wearing Mangoo’s usual off shoulder black long sleeves and black jeans. I may have to reassess my earlier description of the outfit. Not as much boy band as goth…

“What are you staring at?” Fritz grumbled irritably.

“That outfit. I’m used to it on Mangoo, its different.” I said.

“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult, but ok! Now that we’ve discussed my wardrobe, lets get going! I’m getting bored.” Mangoo said.


It seemed like we walked for hours. I was freezing. The wind whipped and bit at my face, and I could feel my skin getting chapped. Mangoo had even gotten himself a jacket from wherever these two djinn got things… Fritz had changed into sweat pants and a jacket but he didn't seem to be as cold as Mangoo and myself. I wished I had gotten some of those heating packets that you crush and put on your hands. They never do produce enough heat, but at this point, any warmth would be welcomed with a runway, with neon blinking lights followed by a stay in a five star hotel with bubbly hot tubs.

Fifteen minutes into the treck, it had started to snow heavily. The three of us had huddled close to avoid losing each other as well as share heat. To my relief Fritz announced that we would be getting there soon.

“Its just over this hill.” He said.

We climbed the hill and looked down into the valley below the hill. I thought it was odd that there were hills and valleys here because it seemed obvious that we were on some remote mountain.

In the valley, we saw a homey log cabin that looked like it belonged in a magazine. Soft yellow light spilled out and added some light and color to the dark grey of the snow clouds. It did almost nothing to penetrate the greyness, but a feeling of warmth came over me.

“We’re here.” Fritz said, “Nora, stay out here until we call for you.”

“Wha- Its freezing! Why do I need to stay out here?!” I protested.

“For obvious reasons, he doesn't trust binders.” Fritz said.

“Fine. But can’t you do anything about the cold?”

Fritz took off his jacket and produced a pair of earmuffs from a pocket and handed them to me. He also pointed at a indention in the valley wall and gave me a small push in that direction. When I had walked over to the indention a small fire was crackling, sheltered from the harsh wind. What threw me for a loop was the fact that it was floating and I couldn't see its source of fuel. I decided that it was magical and hopefully harmless and sat down in front of it, sticking out my hands to warm them up.

Special chapter is short... But, theres a treat next chapter... At least I think its a treat.... 

HEY! Thanks to Binju123 for drawing (BY HAND!) The cover for this book! Super impressive! <3

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