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Dedication: theydonotknowlarry for the amazing username :)

Dylan calls Louis daddy so like, get the immaturity we all share over the word out of your system cause it's gonna be said a lot lol :) PS: the book gets more entertaining and humorous next chapter. This is an introduction, which I'm always terrible at.


There was a fire in her eyes. But when she saw him, it began simmering to a warmth. He was her fireman, diminishing the flames that surrounded her to where she was nothing but a dim light.


The girl that was fire, burning everything in her path. Maybe it was wrong; she did need that flame extinguished but that's who she was. A ball of fire, igniting in front of everyone's eyes. And as she met the boy who did nothing but suffocate the ardor flames burning up in her, she knew it was all wrong.

He was a blanket, wrapping her up and bringing her down. She needed love, passion and heat. He was cold, safe and everything wrong. What is love without a bit of fire? Christmas without a fireplace? Sex without heat? Nothing but ice; damp, chilled and still burning in an unexpected way. Because ice still burns, it just catches a person by surprise as it does.

Louis cracked his knuckles, staring at what he wrote with a grim expression. He pressed the backspace, then sighed and hit undo. He contemplated whether he liked what he wrote. He's been working on this chapter all day and couldn't feel pleased about what he wrote. As a writer, he wanted to be proud of every paragraph.

When he looked at the time, Louis muttered a 'shit' under his breath and quickly stood to his feet. He grabbed his shoes and checked that his pug, Max, was fed. He recently adopted the dog a few weeks ago from an animal shelter nearby. It was a surprise for Dylan, who was nervous about his new school. To make him feel more comfortable, Louis got them a dog and let's just say, pets really are the best comfort.

After he kissed the dog goodbye on the head, Louis snatched his coat, tugged it on and frantically rushed out of his apartment. He went across the hall and banged on the door. He anxiously tapped his foot, hand on his hip and lips pursed. Eventually the door opened and a disheveled, blonde head peeked from behind the door.

"Niall," Louis groaned. "I need you to drive me to the school and pick up Dylan from daycare."

Niall rolled his eyes and stepped out, arms crossed. "When are you getting your car? I'm tired of driving you around."

"I'm sorry, I know it's annoying but please? I'm taking Dylan to McDonald's after and you can get something," Louis offered. "I'm paying, of course. Anything you want."

The temptation was clear in Niall's eyes and he caved in. Louis waited outside in the hall, glancing around. Louis and Dylan moved into the apartment complex a few months ago. Louis decided to move to London after his book series 'Seasons' became a hit. He met Niall the day he moved in and they clicked instantly. 'They' meaning Niall and Dylan.

Louis was not a fan of him at first.

After time went by, he learned to appreciate the guy. Dylan was on summer break when they first moved in and Niall often offered to 'babysit'. Since Louis works from home most of the time, he's occupied and had trouble watching over his son while also writing a book. Niall noticed and he came over or had Dylan go to his apartment for a couple hours.

Now, with the success of 'July', his seventh book in the series, Louis has gained a lot of money and could afford daycare. The school has a bus that takes kids to the daycare after school was over and Louis picked him up at five. He spent his time writing and keeping the house clean while also having some time to himself. The weekends are his time alone with his son and they like to go out, play at the park or go to the zoo.

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