Chapter 6

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At the school Dylan goes to, they have this nice 'birthday' exception, which was an idea for when its your birthday, you can have your FA parent bring you a special lunch for your birthday and you can sit at a table away from your class with a select few friends. Louis never got to do it as a kid, but Louis had promised to be there for his birthday.

But, he woke up late.

Louis saw the time and it was almost noon Dylan had lunch at twelve thirty and he instantly panicked. Louis rushed to grab his clothes, only to groan when he realized he didn't even have a lunch to bring.

He felt terrible. He knew Dylan already struggled at school and this wasn't going to help him. Dylan had a few friends, or 'friends', but he was made fun of a lot for being clumsy and 'weird', He has ADHD and the kids don't understand that. He didn't even act weird, but for kids at that age, anything different is deemed as weird.

After Louis was ready, he nearly sped down the street and picked up McDonald's. He may not have picked the coolest lunch ever, but Dylan would appreciate it and that's what mattered. Even if Louis was tired of McDonald's, he can enjoy another big mac.

Louis arrived at the school passed twelve thirty, heart pounding as he ran inside. The front desk woman glanced at him knowingly and silently handed a vistor's sticker. He thanked her and walked down the hall toward the cafeteria. He went in and looked around for Dylan's class, only to frown when he saw the teacher and students at the table but not his son.

Then he spotted a familiar face.

Louis walked over and tapped Harry on the shoulder. The boy turned around, a small curl of his lips malting an appearance. Louis asked in confusion, "Hey, have you seen Dylan?"

"He went to the bathroom really quick," Harry told him, eyeing him slowly. "He looked upset, but I could be assuming."

"Thanks," Louis said, heart deflating when he saw the time. 

He was late.

Lunch was nearly over.

The man left the cafeteria and leaned against the wall outside the door, tilting his head back against the tile. Louis groaned and ran a hand over his face, frustration and heartache clear on his face. He always seemed to fail and disappoint He never wanted to be the dad that was late all the time and not there for his son, but clearly, he was.

Suddenly the doors opened causing a wave of childish shrills to echo down the hall. Louis turned his head to see that Harry walked out, dosing the door behind himself and muting the chatter. Harry leaned against the wall with him and for a moment, he said nothing. Strangely, Louis preferred that.

But then Harry asked, "Its his birthday today, isn't it?" Louis nodded. "I'm sorry," Harry said quietly.

"Why? It was my fault for being late." Louis huffed, staring up at the ceiling. "Shit, I - I caret believe this. I thought the whole 'he's a bad dad cause he grew up with one was a stupid excuse. And then I just, I became that excuse. I always wanted to break my dad's chain of bad dad behavior but I guess I just repeated it."

"Louis, you may be a lot of terrible things, but you're not a bad dad," Harry assured.

Louis stared at him, "That was both insulting and kind."

"That's me."

"And a lie," Louis added on, turning ahead. "I am a terrible father."

"A terrible dad doesn't bring McDonald's to school for his son on his birthday and feels guilty just for being a little late," Harry said sincerely, eyes full of this admiring sparkles of honey colored brown mixed in with his green As a writer, Louis always knew the eyes were the gateway to someone's heart.

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