Chapter 1

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Dedication: larryonestylinson for wanting this chapter :D

i know this seems like it's moving fast but Louis falls in love easily, without even realizing it. This is just the beginning guys lol. i just don't want people to think it's 'wow already in love in the first chapter' cause i promise it's not haha.


"Daddy, wake up!" Louis heard first thing in the morning, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

He sat up and grabbed his phone, only to gape at the time. He muttered 'shit' repeatedly under his breath and frantically gathered some clothes together. Since he was dropping Dylan off, he didn't care much about his appearance and threw on some pants along with a plain black t-shirt. People can understand that he got up late.

He called out while fixing his hair,"Dylan, are you dressed?"

Sometimes Dylan struggles with his tie and buttons. He will miss one, then make it all lopsided and off balance. He heard small footsteps and saw his son beaming proudly, spinning to show how well he got dressed. Of course, he missed a button and Louis crouched down, fixing it for him. He had to hurry. Dylan's been late a handful of times now and it was always Louis' fault.

Once his son was dressed, Louis grabbed the lunch box and Dylan picked up his bookbag. He knocked on Niall's door, impatiently tapping his foot. The majority of the time, Dylan takes the school bus. However, he missed it and now they needed a ride. Louis has be procrastinating on getting a car for so long. It's a lengthy process and he isn't sure what he's looking for right now.

"I'm comin', gosh!" he heard Niall exclaim from the other side of the door. It opened up and Niall stood there with messy hair and a sleepy face. He took one look at the pair and whined,"Not again, m'fucking tired." "Niall," Louis gave him a warning look then motioned to his son. "Can I borrow your keys then? You know where I live, I'm not gonna crash or anything."

"Whatever, fine," Niall yawned. He took the keys from the hook, then tossed them to his friend. "Have a good day at school, buddy."

"I don't go—"

Dylan smiled brightly,"Of course!"

Louis was embarrassed, having thought Niall meant him. He nodded quickly and led Dylan to the lift. On the ride down, he called the school to inform them that Dylan was late and it was his fault. They excused it, but were not pleased like always. Dylan was far behind because of him and he hated that. They moved, went to a new school and the sleep schedule is off balance despite it starting only a little over month ago. His son was failing and it's all his fault.

"Daddy, there's a footie team here!" Dylan told him excitedly. "And—And I remember how you played it and I want to play it too. Pretty please? Will a cherry on top?!"

"I dunno, kiddo, we'll see. I'll talk to the school," Louis tiredly replied, focusing on the road.

He wanted to give him the best, but right now, that will really interfere with scheduling. It could make it easier and he won't have to pay for daycare as much, but then he'll need a ride to the try-outs. Once he gets his car, everything will be managed better. He would love to see Dylan play football, though. He remembered being on the team in primary school and it was the best. No stress over winning; just having a lot of fun.

They arrived at the school an hour after it started, which was a lot to miss. He rubbed his face, trying to relax. He's doing his best. Dylan's only been going to school for a little over a year now. It's new for both of them. With that in mind, he took Dylan's hand (with much bickering) and led him into the building.

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