Chapter 2

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Dedication: jant92 cause here ya go :D 

And don't worry, if you don't like gigi, cool, she's only going to appear a couple times for humor cause zigi is divorced in here and i thought it'd be funny having them bicker. And i chose zigi cause i like perrie more than gigi and didn't want to make perrie a bitch but let's not hate on gigi in the comments unless it's about her character...drama free ok. 

 Warning: a character in louis' book commits suicide, you can skim the italics if that triggers you! 

 Her gaze cast over the shore, wind blowing in her long, auburn hair. The waves were crashing against the rocks as August blinked back the dampness on her eyes, lip quivering when taking a deep breath. The salty air was overwhelming, splashes from the ocean cold to the touch. August was never a fan of water. 

 When she looked at the sky once last time, she took in the Ombre of yellow, orange, purple and pink. It was beautiful. She never took the time to appreciate it. However, in her last moments, she allowed herself to value and admire it. It's small things like sunsets and ocean air that cause her to miss the world already. However, she knew this wasn't it for her. 

 Living, that is. 

 As summer ended, August new her time does as well. She looked down from the rocks, feeling her throat begin to dry. Her hands were trembling, eyes rimmed with tears that were ready to fall with her. The pills were taking effect slowly and she could feel herself get drowsy from them. She only took a few, just to relax her and hopefully make it hurt less. 

 Drowning was one of the worst ways to dies. 

 She felt like she deserved it, though. She didn't deserve a painful death when she's nothing but a wuss. And while she was never a fan of water, the ocean was calling her. It was like a long, lost friend who calls you up a few years later and says they miss you, that it's time to catch up; the reunion was overdue. 

 Flashes of September ran through her mind like an old film. His golden blonde hair, warm brown eyes. It wasn't enough. September was someone she needed but didn't want. His love was the comfort she craved. His laugh was the music that felt nostalgic. His encouragement was like a heavy weight she couldn't handle. He was everything she needed and more, but maybe it was too much. Too much for her. 

 As the sun was nothing but a sliver on the horizon, August began taking a final step the edge, rocks cascading down the edge. Her heart was heavy in her chest. The dim sky brought coolness towards the surface and a chill ran down her spine. Whether it was from fear or coldness, she will never know as she took her in a deep breath and fell with a splash. 

 To some people, August ended hours later. 

For the town of Seasons, she died at 7:47. 

 "Well, that was morbid." 

 Louis anxiously bit his bottom lip, taken back by those words. "Morbid? I – I thought it was a great ending to her story." 

 "She accomplished so much; she found love, some friends and finally mended her relationship with her brother, July. Why would she want to kill herself?" Liam furrowed his brows, scratching at the scruff on his chin. 

 The response made Louis snort. He motioned to the book, "Have you not been reading the story? She accepted July's apology but that doesn't fix it all. Her friends only like her when she's happy, they ignore her when she's sad. September is her soulmate but they're toxic and she never felt happy with him," Louis explained. He didn't understand why Liam had not caught on. 

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