Chapter 5

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Throughout that weekend, Louis couldn't stop thinking of Harry's bruise on his body.

The purple hues contrasting with his pale skin was permanently etched into Louis' mind. Just knowing that Harry has been hurt by someone is unsettling, albeit having mixed feelings for him. He barely knew Harry and the bruise could honestly be from anywhere. For all Louis knew, he could be a gang member.

But let's be realistic, Harry does not have the personality nor look for that. Then again, Louis is not a professional on gangs, so Harry could be a good decoy, considering his charming, innocent green eyes and dimpled smile.

The problem is that Louis gets easily obsessed with things. Hence why he is addicted to drinking...and writing and smoking – he has many addictions, and none are good. So, he's realized over the past few days that he is slowly becoming obsessed with Harry and he worries that it may start to be unhealthy.

Louis has never had a real love interest aside from some one-night stands that he met at bars and on dates from Tinder. Since they never meet for a second time, he hasn't gotten to know them. With Harry, on the other hand, he has been getting to know him without meaning to and it's making him care about this younger, seemingly lost boy that resembles a stray kitten.

But then again, he really doesn't know much about him as he'd like to think. All he knows is Harry's in university, studying to be a teacher and loves kids. He's friends with Niall, confused (and defensive) with his sexuality and most likely dating a guy that is ashamed of him? Louis isn't sure about that, though. He has a gut-wrenching feeling that it could be worse than that. Which is quite sad, because Harry seems like a nice person and deserves more than that.

He's beautiful, stubborn, smart and also a little naïve in some ways. Of course, he doesn't trust people easily, or at least, he doesn't open up to others and let them in. Almost like he's afraid to get close to someone. But at the same time, he's very gullible and kind-hearted that he does tend to be fooled easily. But, this is coming from Louis who's only met him a couple weeks ago.

Louis hasn't spoken to him in a few days, not since the incident with the bruise. He waited impatiently in the hallway as Niall got ready and he wanted to ask some more questions. Niall knows Harry decently well, surely he knows more than he's letting on.

"Fuck, I really need to stop getting up at noon," Niall yawned, stepping out with a sleepy pout.

Louis offered, "We can reschedule and go next week?"

"Stop trying to put this off, you need to go to the meeting," Niall glared, locking the door behind himself. "You've been putting it off."

Louis grimaced as they walked down the steps. "It's gonna be like some creepy cult."

"No, it's not. It's an open meeting, which means there will be tons of people there who aren't alcoholics," Niall assured, placing his hand on the boys shoulder. "It's in the day and there shouldn't be too many crazy people there. It's at a church, the place seems nice – just trust me on this. If you don't like it, we can try something else but at least try."

Louis said with a heavy sigh, "I don't wanna talk, though, it's so awkward."

"You don't have to talk," Niall shrugged. "Just say you came to listen. I heard people can do that. It's anonymous and open invitation. I doubt everyone gets to speak."

They arrived outside, where the autumn sky was full of orange leaves flying in the wind and gusts of cold air tickled his cheeks. He frowned deeply and got in Niall's car, even if his heart ached at the thought of going to that place. He was trying to be open minded but Louis is stubborn and doesn't like trying things. Not when it comes to new places and crowded events like that. He hated church as a kid, and part of him knew it was going to be like that.

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