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BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP ... I here'd my alarm ring Wait wtf I never set a alarm ? I checked my phone it was 10:00 am. I know I never set this alarm Hmmmm this is strange

I got out bed finally and went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror AHHHHHHHHHHHHH WTF my face was blue? And my hair was pink ? The fuck is happening here

I ran down stairs to see five boys laughing !!! Who did this??? I screamed until Lou finally answered " I don't know". Lou do not lie to me '!!!!!! I went to sleep with my dirty blonde hair and woke up with pink high lights ????? Ohh and I don't recall falling asleep with a blue face!!... 'Ok ok it was us ". Harry finally confessed

"I know that Harold I was wondering which one of you did this ' that's when Lou started smirking. 'Ahhhhhh you did this ?' I said with a furious voice and started to run up to him , when he ran. He really has the guts to run away from a mad girl with pink hair??? "I'm guna murder you Lou!!!!!'

'Im sorry ' he shouts as I'm still trying to catch up to him and when I finally do I jump on him even thouh i don't weigh a lot I hope it hurts him some what. " please get off " " no you messed with my hair there's no way I'm getting off"

"Fine then I'll kiss you" and with that he leans in "NOOOOO". I quickly jump off and he smirks 'I can't believe you did this ' I said with an very sad expression as if I was almost gunna cry. But he believed it and quickly came over and sat on the floor with me " umm I'm sorry lea i Didn't know you would get this upset '. I couldn't stay mad at that face I smiled at him, and he Quickly perked up and gave me a huge hug I hugged back taking in his secant " uhh Lou how did you get my face blue?" "Washable paint " he said , I smiled "See I am a good friend always looking out for you , painting you face with "washable painT". We both started laughing .

I got up and marched to harry and the others with still a mad expression on my face

They all looked at me with a guilty expression ' I can't believe you guys let him do this '.

I'm sorry they all said and started coming closer to me before I know it five hot guys are hugging me ... I'm not complaining . Ok let go I say and they all do except for.... Harry .

Uhh harry? Yea? Can you please let go ? Uhh fine ok. And with that I marched up stairs straight into the shower washing off all the wasHable paint from my face and hair .
Thinking about one thing ... Harry it's not like I like harry idk maybe I do ?, after last night I relished he's actually sweet.

Then I blowed dried my hair and straightened it. I put a little make up on eye liner , mascara and a little foundation

Because there's 5 hot guys in my house ! not that I'm trying to impress any of them but hey a little makeup won't hurt right ? For clothes I was wearing light blue skinny jeans and a tank top that said Infiniti love with an Infiniti sigh on it .

I then went down stairs and got some orange juice . All the boys were talking about something , catching up I suppose

That's all but one Niall ... I looked around and almost had a heart attack , Niall standing behind me eating cookies

'Ahh Niall you scared me !' 'Good morning ' he said all happily ' I see you found the cookie jar ?' 'Ohh yea sorry bout that'. He's so cute !!! 'Its okay Niall you can have all the cookies you want '. I say while pinching his cheeks like old ladies do when they see cute kids . Hey stop that!' We both started laughing

Leanna !!!! I hear Lou call I quickly run into the living room and am attacked by Lou hugging me What was it Lou? Nothing I just wanted to hug my best freeeeind Then in that case come here '. He comes closer and I hugg him

Lou is not Gabby but I kinda need a friend right now and Lou will have to do. 'Aww she loves me guys !!' I hear him scream to the boys I could not help but laugh and so did they

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