Girls rule

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GEMMMA GABBBBY!!!!!!!!! I screamed as I'm running into the room 'WhAt !!!!!!!whats wrong did the cat die ??!!!! Wait we don't have a cat..' Gemma mumbled while gabby was grabbing her chest 'geesh Lea are you trying to give me a heart attack at??? 'No and no the cat didn't die... So listen girls I got some juicy stuff!!' 'Spill it lea!'

'Ok so I wanted to see what the boys were up to and I might have over heard them saying they were gunna pull a prank on us to night!!!' 'Ahh the boys are reunited !, see every time my friends would sleep over back in England the boys would always try to pull pranks so far they succeeded each time ...' Gemma said.

Well girls what do you say we give them a taste of their own medicine !? Both of them screamed yess!!

'Okay so what's the plan ?' Gabby asked ' okay so I was thinking at midnight we sneak into each of their rooms and put shaving cream and write funny things on each of their pretty faces , and as for Louis I am gunna dye his hair pink..'

' sounds great Lea but what do you mean by dye his hair ?? '. Gemma asked 'relax Gem it's temporary '

It's now 10 and we should probably start working on our master plan !

'Oaky Gabby you take zayns and Liam's Room they are staying g together , Gemma you take Niall and Harry's room and , I , I will take Lou's room I said with a smirk on my face .

We got all the supply's ready and we are now ready for war... It's now 11:58 pm and the boys are all fast asleep

It's actually a bit strange but they did stay up late for the past week .

'Okay girls let's go ' I whispered we all tiptoed up stairs and went our separate ways

I quietly slipped into Lou's room and by some miracle he is fast asleep wearing head phones and hugging a teddy beer

Aww!!!!!! He's soooo cute !!!!! I took out my phone and took a quick pic , I could use this against him later on...

First thing I did was go for the hair....


I found Zayn and Liam's room ans quietly entered they were sleeping on separate beds and may I just say they looked Cute !!!! I went for Zayn first he's, he's actually really hot!!!! Like damn!!! I put shaving cream on his hands and hair then I wrote Swag on his forehead I then moved on to Liam I did the same but drew bushy eye brows on him, what can I say I'm not the best with pranking hot guys I don't want to get on their bad side. But befor I leave ... I took Zayns Phone off the dresser and unlocked it thank God he didn't have a pass word , I put Justin Bieber as his background and did the same to Liam but he has taylor swift as his , my work here is done ...


about 15 mins later we all met up in the hallway. Once all our jobs where done we went back to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies and milk 'well done girls!!'

'Hey what are friends for?!'

But wait why didn't the boys pull any pranks on us tonight? Gabby asked

They must have been too tired ?

So what did you think? I'm trying to get to harry and Leanna (Hanna )

Or(Learry) idk which ones better lol but I am gunna get to them I've just been busy with school ;( <3

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