New start?

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£Leanna's POV£

It's now 8:30 and my dad and Anne , Gemma and Gabby are soon to be here I'm really exited !!! Ive noticed that Harry and I haven't exactly been talking .. I mean with him kissing me off gourd and being a cocky ass hole I'm kinda glad he hasn't been talking to me !! But this isn't right, he's my soon to be step brother we will be living together for .. I don't even know how long and me and him aren't exactly on good terms .

It's so hard to explain but these couple of days with Harry and his friends have brought out the better side of him . And I think I like this side ! I'm just not sure in what way I like him .. Everything's soooo hard and complicated !!!! I wish we could just start over !!!.

'Wazz up??' I here'd as someone sat down on the couch next to me .

'Ohh uhh hey!' ' what are you so deep in thought about ?

'Its nothing.' 'Ohh come one Lea we spent a whole day together I know when your lying'

I sat there debating whether or whether not to tell Niall the complicated relationship between Harry and I . I know I could tell Gabby but I feel like she would so over react and I don't want that right now.. And well me and Louis are close but not that close more like brother Kind of bond and I don't exactly know the other 2 Liam and Zayn I'm gunna need to work on that this week ..

'Hello????' ' ohh uhh sorry'. 'Ok Niall if I tell you can you promise not to tell anyone !!!!!'

'Cross my heart'. Niall could be sooo cheesy sometimes

Ok well.... Before I could even say any thing 4 idiots run into the room .

' Leanna !!!!!!! help me!!' Louis screamed as he jumped on me 'Louis get off me !!'

'Awww but I'm soo comfy. 'Yea well I'm not '. Zayn and Liam are now tickling Louis and Harry ....

'Where is Harry?' I said out loud whoops I was not supposed to say out loud

I don't know he seems a bit off today tho Liam says . ' I'm gunna go find him '

'Harry?' I say walking around the house 'haaarrraayyy!!' I say a bit louder .... " over here!!!" Ahh there you are

'Heyy' I say a bit. Too perky ' hey what did you need ?' Nothing, what I can't talk to you?'

'Noo no noo you can, it's just .. Idk' ' just what Harry?' ' idkwehavenptbeentalkingafterthekiss...

'What was that?'

(Harry's POV)

Leanna asked me why i was surprised she was talking to me and I don't know what to tell her

I can't say it's becouse I kissed her..' I really faked things up!! I let my player side get in the way I fucking kissed my step sister how much more of a womanizer can one get? I don't even have feelings for her ... Yea she's gorgeous , funny , sarcastic , fit ect. But Im not like in love with her.. I was just being a fucking fool !!! I wish I could start over with her ...!!! I'm going to try to be a real friend not a jerk I want to try to start over

' hello? Harray? '. Oh right umm it's nothing

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