Sleep over

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!!I sprint down the stairs , and arrive to Niall sitting on a stool near the kitchen counter on his phone (probably on ig)
He's like always on there he has about 12k which isn't surprising because look at him! He's so cute!
He seems to be very interested in what ever he was looking at , and didn't notice me come down, so I slowly and quietly tiptoed behind him , and put my hands over his eyes "guess who?" "Erm.. Kim K ?" He said sarcastically "ughh was I being too obvious ?!" I said to him with just as much sarcasm . We them both laughed , and ohh how his laugh makes me happy!!
Ding Dong!!
"Oooooo they're here!!!, we didn't plan how I will surprise them when they get here ! What do I do!!!"
He giggled at me. "What?.." "Nothing your just so cute when your nervous ". He smirks
I cant help but feel? I don't know , think it's , umm hot? I feel myself blush
And quickly turn around "Umm so who's gunna get the door?" "How bout I erm get it and you hide?" "Sure!"
I hear chit chatting and laughing , then the question comes " where your girlfriend man?" Which I'm assuming Zayn says . Btw I'm upstairs , technically on the stairs, so I can hear them better . I hear Niall start to hesitate so I knew I had to step in , "Niall?" I say a bit loud trying to get everyone's attention , they all look towards the stars and I slowly start to come down . As I finally reach the last step , all eyes are on me , and my hair was covering a side of hair so none of the boys recognized me at firt. I then dramatically flipped my hair and .. "LEANNA!!!!!!!!??" I heard Louis scream
"It's me !!!!!" I scream back , and before I knew it I was being attacked by Louis with hugs , "I knew she loved me tooo much to stay away!" Louis says jokingly . I then am attacked by the rest of the boys . And then I see 2 VERRY pretty girls standing smiling , "Ohh my god , you must be Eleanor , and Danielle !!!" I practically fangirl , The boys have been talking about them for a while and I feel like I already know them . "Yes we are indeed !" They both say back "and you must be Niall's girlfriend ?" "Ahahha I mean uhh , y yea " .
I know you guys are confused ! But Niall and I decided to keep "this" up , see how far we can take it! And luckily everyone believed us after all me and Niall and beasties so ..
****3 hours later ****
The boys have just left and they were all siked that I would be staying here for "most the summer!!!
Niall and I kept the "girlfriend " thing up . I'd be lying If I said I didn't enjoy it.
"LEANNA? ". Niall sing sang "Yea?" I sing sang back. "Wanna watch a movie?"
"Well duh! What else would we do?" "Kiss..." He said jokingly , Which made me blush like crazy!!!!!!
"Ahaha so umm what are we gunna watch?" "Idk , you pick " he shrugged and I smirked ... " what's the smirk for?" " Ohh Nialler you should not have let me pick !! "
"Umm why?..." "Because we are going to watch the fault in our stars now whether you like it or not!" " ughhh you're going to make me watch a chick flick!"
"Ahhhhhh Niall are you saying your have not seen this movie yet ? ". "Yes that exactly what I'm saying !" "Well honey you got a big storm coming your way!"
And with that I ordered him to find it on the tv , whilen I make pop corn .
Once he finally bought it , we laid on the couch together (more like snuggled ) and ate .
About near the end I started to cry, and noticed Niall crying ...?!!!!!
Which only made me cry more . And finally towards the end we were holding each other and crying endlessly !! " how, how'd you like it?" I managed to choke out in between sobs . "It , it sucked " he said while wiping the tears away. "That should NOT have ended that way" he said. "I know!!!"
"Well it's time for bed!" I say while getting up and stretching
"What time is it?"
"About 1:00 am I ran to my room and changed into some pjs then said goodnight to Niall .
But... Me being me ! Did not fall asleep ! I needed something to hold ! I didn't want to sleep alone! I could always ask Niall I'm sure he won't mind .
I tip toed through the house and got to Niall's room, and then knocked .
But he didn't pick up , so I let myself in. "Leanna?" He said in a groggy voice
"I can't sleep , do you mind if I bunk with you?" I said while standing next to the bed
"No, come on in , " he pulled down the blanket and made room for me , which I gladly took. "Thanks Niall ". "What are you thanking me for?" "Letting me disrupt your sleep " I giggled , in which he did too , then wrapped his hand around my waist and I began to get sleepy.

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