Chapter Ten

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We have been on tour for a month now and tonight we are in Alabama, Birmingham to be exact and my sister is coming to the show tonight and I am so excited because I have been so busy lately we haven't had time to hang out so she's meeting me at the arena at 4:30 and we are going to hang out until the show starts and she is watching the show side stage.

I am thinking about introducing Kasey to Cole, they would be cute together or at least in my opinion anyway.

Thomas looks at me "what's got the gears in your head spinning?" 

I smirk at him "thinking about playing matchmaker" 

Thomas chuckles "with who?" 

I grin at him "my sister Kasey and Cole, I think they'd be cute together" 

"Hmmm, when is this happening?" 

I just grin at him "Tonight, she's gonna be at the show, meeting me at the arena when we get there and we are going to hang out and after the show or well after my set anyway I am going to introduce her to Cole"

Thomas laughs "of course you are Kels" 

B walks into the lounge area of the bus "what is Kelsey doing?" 

I smirk at B "tryin to hook Kasey up with someone, just FYI she's coming to the show tonight"

B nods with a chuckle "okay... who are you tryin to set her up with?" 


"hmm I don't see this going the way you want it too because it's Kasey" Hmm he has a point "okay I'll give you that one but she's not going to know about it until after I introduce them, so I think it will go over just fine"


I smirk to myself as I walk back through to the back of the bus as I dial the number to the perfect person to help me with what I have planned for the show tonight.

God hopefully this works but I won't know until tonight "Brantley?" 

"Hey Kasey so Kels, said you were coming to the show tonight?" 

"Yeah I live in Birmingham now, so I'll take whatever chance I can to see my sister"

I can't help but smirk god I hope this works "Okay good, I need you to do something for me"

I hear the curiosity in her voice "and what pray tell is that?" 

"All I need you to do is just make sure Kels is there side-stage when I play my last song"

"Oh wow, that I can do... are you finally pulling your head out of your ass and telling my sister that you're still head over heels in love with her?"

I shake my head at her rolling my eyes "I guess in a way... Kelsey and I still need to talk but she finds every excuse she can to not be alone with me, to avoid the conversation that we both know needs to happen"

"Okay BG I'll make sure she's there side stage where she can hear whatever song you're gonna play for her." 

"Thanks, Kasey"

She brushes it off "yeah whatever"

I hang up the phone I was just gonna get one of the guys or PJ to make sure she was there but she's more inclined to actually be there if it's her sister that drags her side stage.


We pulled into the arena at exactly 4:30 and as soon as we are parked, I am the first one off the bus I see Kasey standing by her truck and I run right over to her "Kase!" 

She turns and smiles "Kels!" 

I hug her "god I've missed you so much, Kase" 

She smirks "well if you weren't always so busy, you'd have time for me" 

I laugh at her "oh shut up, like your any better on that front"

She laughs too "okay you got me there Kels" she motions for me to get in the truck "I am taking you out to get some food away from everybody else and you can tell me all the juicy details of the past month of your life on tour with BG" 

I nod at her "okay just let me tell Amy that I'll be back in an hour"

Kasey nods "okay"

I walk off to find my manager "Amy!" 

She turns "what's up Kels?" 

I smile at her "I just wanted to tell you that I will be back in an hour Kasey is taking me to get some food so we can catch up for a little while before the show tonight" 

Amy nods still smiling at me "Okay thanks for telling me that you were leaving this time" 

I laugh "yeah after last time I figured I'd better tell you"

I walk back to the bus to get my bag before walking back to Kasey's truck "okay now we can go" we get into her truck.

Kasey starts it and pulls out of the parking lot "okay so how's tour life with BG?" 

I roll my eyes "god, basically I try to avoid him as much as I can because my self-control with him has always been weak, if we're not left alone then I won't jump him the first chance I get"

She laughs "that is so you Kels" 

I give her a look "do you blame me?" 

She smirks glancing over at me "okay you got me there... You have seen what that man has to offer, so I'll give you a pass there, but Kels why won't you just tell him that you still love him?"

I let out a sigh I knew she was gonna go there "It's been 8 years Kase... What if he doesn't love me anymore? Huh? If I put myself out there with him again and he doesn't want me, that rejection... I couldn't take it or worse he does and something happens and it pushes him back into the bottle, if that happens I may not get him back this time and I can't be the thing that pushes him back down that road Kase, it's why I've stayed away even after he got sober"

She shakes her head "Kels... He is still head over heels for you, he is always gonna be in love with you and I know that if you give him a chance... nothing will come between you two again because like you said he's sober now, has been for almost 5 years now. Have you ever thought that maybe the reason none of your other relationships have worked out because they weren't B? Just take the chance and talk to him and I mean really talk to him sit down and tell him how you feel"

I bite my lip looking over at her "I don't know Kase"

She rolls her eyes "oh sis you will talk to him even if I have to lock the two of you in a broom closet like that one time in sophomore year when y'all were fighting and Eli, Ash and I had to lock you in the janitors closet during our free period until you made up"

I laugh "I remember that very vividly... That day we almost did it in the janitors closet until you, Ash and Eli opened the door cockblocking us" she pulls up to this cute little diner "that was hilarious... we didn't hear arguing anymore so we thought maybe you might have killed him, turns out we were wrong and you were just in the middle of a very steamy make-out session"

We have Kels and BGs POV here XD. Hmm, what song is he gonna sing that he wants Kelsey there to hear? I'm thinking maybe Way Back, You Promised, Fall Into Me or Stone Cold Sober.

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