chapter 3

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i stayed up all last night trying to write a new song for our next album. it was around 1:45 p.m when i woke up.

i was awoken from my phone buzzing really loud. i got up and looked at my phone.

12 missed calls from clemenshine.

holy crap. something must've gone wrong.

i immediately called her back and she picked up within 5 seconds of the phone ringing.

"hello? calum?"

"hey clem, is everything okay?"

"yeah, everything's great! why didn't you answer?"

"i was asleep."

"at this time of day??"

"yeah, sorry."

"its fine. i'm coming over in 10."




damn. she's fast.

i looked around my room to find it quite messy. i jumped out of bed, put on some jeans and clem's favorite t-shirt on me, which was my green day shirt. i fixed my bed, put all the random clothes on the floor in the closet. and about 10 minutes later, ding dong.

i jogged over to the door.



"guess what?"

"chicken butt."

"no you loser, i have some news."

"good or bad??"

"good, unless you don't like him then-"

"speak up clem."


"okay, lets go to my room."

we went to my room and her eyes widened at how clean it was.

"what the frick? why is it so clean?"

"well first of all, you can say fuck, and second of all, i felt like cleaning it up today."

"you felt like it? are you feeling okay?"

"yeah yeah i'm fine now tell me the news."

"sit down."

i walked over to my bed and sat on it. she sat beside me and grabbed my hand.

this is the moment i've been waiting for. she's finally going to date me.

"calum, i-"

"me too clem, me too."

i closed my eyes and puckered my lips out, waiting for a response.

"um, calum, thats not it."

i opened my eyes and notices that she let go on my hand.

"oh uh-"

"your weird."

"y-yeah. my bad."

"it's fine, so, here's the news."

"let it out."

"i...*deep sigh* found someone."


"yeah, at a coffee shop. his name is-"

"what is it this time?"

"rude. his name is rusty."

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