chapter 22 ; part 2

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her mom got to the door and her eyes widened.

"calum, what are you doing here?"

"i-i came to apologize from last night."

"it's fine dear."



"can i come in?"

"um, go ahead dear."

i slowly walked through the front door, my eyes never leaving clem's.

clementine walked over to some really tall, thin guy. his hair was black, he had freckles, flat hair, and he dressed weird.



"this is my fianceé, johnny."

"oh, i thought you were engaged to someone else."

"nope. its johnny."

"clementine we need to talk."

"um okay. johnny i'll be right back."

"okay babe."

we walked upstairs to her room and she shut the door.

"sit down calum."

she patted the seat next to her on the bed. i sat down.

"to start off, i'm really sorry."

"for what?"

"not talking to you, not returning phone calls, not-not talking to you at all. i'm so sorry for not thanking you for wishing me a happy birthday."

"clementine, its fine. i'm just, in shock."


"i haven't seen you in over a year! and you're supposed to be my bestfriend!"

"i uh, like the blond in your hair."

"thanks haha."

"how, how was the tour?"

"it was great. meeting fans was a blast."

"i bet it was."

"listen clem, um, the guys haven't talked to you since that day at the mall, would you mind, stopping by at the house tomorrow? or later today?"

"i'll, um, i'll try."

"okay, that's okay. um, how was san jose?"

"it was interesting. not much to do over there."

"hm. go figure."

"now, you didn't do anything stupid, did you?"

"maybe a couple stupid things haha."

"heard your nudes leaked."

"okay, fine, that's true, but i was 17! leave me alone!"

"whatever mr. it's-that-way."

"so, you're really engaged?"


"how long?"

"2 months so far."

"that's, psh, cool."

"yeah. um calum?"


"i'm moving to san jose."



"screw you! don't scare me like that!"

"haha! lets blow this place and go see the boys!"

"fine with me!"

we ran downstairs, she blew johnny a kiss, and we ran out the door, and jogged all the way to the house.

she knocked on the door and when michael opened it, his eyes almost came out of his head.

first of all, because she looks different. her eyes popped out more, she got taller, her hair was longer, and her boobs got bigger, just pointing that out there.



she ran inside and tackled him. they hugged for about 5 minutes until luke and ashton came downstairs to see what all the noise was about.

luke's eyes widened at the sight of clem's change, and ashton's too.

they both ran to her and gave her a big tight hug. of course i joined in.

"clementine!" they all yelled together.

"guys!" she yelled back.

we all laughed and sat down.

"ow, i feel like something scratched my neck."

"oh, that was just my ring."


"yep. i'm engaged."

"to who? to cal-"

"no, shes engaged to a guy from san jose. his name is johnny and he's at her house right now."

"well. we have to meet him."

"you'll meet him soon."

"we better."

after a while of catching up, i walked her home.

when we got to her house, we talked for a couple minutes.

"thanks for walking me home, calum."

"no problem bestfriend."

"you're the greatest you know that, right?"

"obviously, i hear it all the time."

"haha. loser. well i better go now."

"yeah, good to have you back clem!"

"you too cal!"

and she ran inside. i've seen her run inside her house many times. but this time, it was different. she looked, not as happy as she used to. not as jumpy, or chirpy. just a clemenshine without the shine.

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