chapter 24

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the day of the wedding is tomorrow. i'm getting this feeling in my gut to try and convince clem not to get married tomorrow. but then she'll hate me.

I was almost finished getting dressed when the guys walked into the room.

"hey calum."

"hey guys."

"how you feeling?"

"not good."


"you guys know why."

"we thought you were over her. she's obviously gotten over you."

"dude, she isn't the type of girl you just get over. even I know that," luke interrupted.

"he knows."

"yeah, luke's right. you can't get over clementine."

"until you meet someone better than her."

"never. nobody is better than her."


"I can't do this tomorrow."

"do what?"

"watch her get married to someone else. why did I agree to be johnny's best man again?"

"because clementine is your bestfriend."

"yeah, why is that again?"

"because you've been ultimately friendzoned."


"you look terrible calum."

"I am. i'm terrible for not telling her the truth a long time ago."

"well you did tell her at least."

"yeah, before we went on tour. she was obviously going to meet someone."

"yeah, that was a bad move man."

"yeah I know. ugh. just leave please. im tired and don't feel like talking about this."

"alright. see ya man."

"see ya."

they all walked out. except luke. he just stopped at the door, took one long look at me, then walked out.


the next day, worst day of my life.

we all got dressed. but I stopped by clem's room before the wedding started.

*knock knock*

"come in."

"hey clem."

"oh hey calum."

"wow, you look...great."

"thank you, you look great too."

"so, today's the day huh?"

"yep. getting...married."

"yeah. you happy?"


"are you happy, clementine?"

"I think so."

"well just remember, you gotta make yourself happy before you make others happy."


"clementine 15 minutes."

"okay, i'll be out in a couple."

"well clementine, I may not be able to see you in a while after this."


"have a nice life, okay clem?"

"okay calum."

and I left the room.


the wedding is starting. im standing behind johnny. and when I saw clementine walk down that aisle, it like shattered my heart.

when clementine got to where johnny was, she looked at me and then looked back at johnny.

"we are gathered here today in the holy matrimony of clementine rogers and johnny valentin. if there is anyone who feels these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace."

and it was quiet for a second, and I really really wanted to scream it out loud, but no. I can't. i just can't.

"I object!"

I look over to see who it was. it was luke.


"yes, thats right I object. clementine don't do this. its forever. you're still young, you need to enjoy life a little bit longer. you've only known this kid for 2 years! and you've known calum 7?! you should be marrying calum by now, not this guy."

"hey buddy you better-"

"johnny, he's right. i'm not happy right now."

"then why did you say yes when I asked you to marry me?"

"I didn't really think about it."

"well, you dont have to think about it any longer, you don't need to marry me."


"no. its fine."

and he walked out of that alter.

after a while everyone was gone, except me and clementine.

she was sitting on a bench and I sat down beside her.

"clem? you ok?"

"surprisingly yes. I didn't wanna marry johnny."

"yeah? then why were you gonna marry him today?"

"I don't know. I really don't."

"that was stupid, clem."

"I know that calum."

and we just sat there in silence. before clementine started talking again.

"hey calum?"


"do you think what luke said was right?"


"that I should marry you instead?"

"why? you wanna marry me?"

"he does have a point. we've known each other forever and it doesn't seem like the worst thing."

"clementine, I-"

"you don't wanna marry me?"

"I would love to."



I got down on one knee, and you know what happened next?

"clementine rogers, will you marry me?"

"I would love to."

and then we kissed. and then we sat down.

"*sigh* so what's next?"

"you're gonna become my girl."

"I already am."

"you always were."


so, im going to marry clementine. i'm. going. to. marry. clementine.


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