Moving In With Friends

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(Aphmau's POV)(Morning)

*Ten Years Later*

"Alright, we're here!" I say as Sienna, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan and I arrive at our new house that we're all going to live in together.

Sienna looks at me with a confusing look on her face and asks "Are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask Sienna curiously.

"It's just that, are we going to be able to afford rent?" Katelyn asks in a worried tone.

"Of course we will be able too!" I say trying to reassure them it's a good idea.

Kawaii~Chan smiles at Katelyn and Sienna, then back at me and says "Fine, but there is one condition all of us have. Which is you get the biggest room in the house."

Shock goes through my body "W-What? Why? I don't even have that much stuff!"

Sienna laughs "We know that, but if anyone deserves the room it's you."

I sigh heavily already knowing that I wasn't going to win this fight "If you guys really want me to have it, I guess I'll take it."

This causes Katelyn to smirk "Good, because we would've taken no for an answer."

I roll my eyes and smile "Come on you guys, let's go unpack."

What am I going to do with these three?

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