The Future Of This World

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(Aphmau's POV)(Evening)

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"Irene?" Shad says in a shocked tone.

Irene looks at Shad angrily "You've done enough damage for a lifetime Shad, you should know to never mess with our descendants!"

Shad laughs a little "Isn't that ironic Irene, coming from the one who's playing god."

"That's not the point Shad, I'm trying to protect them not kill them!" Irene says in an annoyed tone.

"Do you really think our decedents like the idea of you controlling their lives?" Shad says starting to get irritated. 

"I'm glad I locked you in the Nether, but at the same time I'm not." Irene says as she tries holding back her tears.

"You think it's fun being stuck in the Nether for all eternity, when I could be there right by your side?" Shad says in an irritated tone.

"You had to be sent there, you caused so much destruction and hate! It pained me to send you there, I loved you so much and still do!" Irene says as tears starting to form in her eyes.

Shad's eyes soften "Really?"

Irene laughs a little "Of course I do."

"Do you think we can start over and live in peace in the Irene Dimension?" Shad asks curiously.

We watch as Irene walks over to Shad and kisses him, after a few seconds they release from the kiss.

"I believe we can." Irene says happily.

"Wait, why are you forgiving him so easily after he tried to destroy this world?!" Katelyn says angrily.

Shad turns to face Katelyn "I'm sorry everyone, I was corrupted by anger and hate."

Katelyn sighs "I guess it's fine."

Irene turns to face all of us "Thank you to all of you not only did you save the world, but you also saved the man I love."

I laugh a little "I would say it was no problem, but we all know it was."

Irene laughs "Yeah, I guess it was. Remember young ones, there are still people that want to destroy this world. It is your duty to protect it with your life."

"You won't have to worry about that, we'll make sure this world stays protected." Aaron says in a determined tone.

Irene creates a portal that leads into the Irene dimension. Shad and Irene walk through the portal, shortly after they leave the portal closes.

"Does anyone else want fall over and sleep or is it just me?" Travis asks in a tired tone.

This causes everyone to laugh and fall over.

"Alright let's get home so we can rest." Aaron says quickly.

All of us head back to our houses to sleep except for me, I went over to Aaron's place to sleep with him.

Now that it's finally over, we can rest and live our somewhat normal lives until this world is in danger. 

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now