Teasing Housemates

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(Sienna's POV)(Afternoon)

*Two Weeks Later*

I suddenly hear fast footsteps coming from the stairs, indicating that Aphmau was planning to go somewhere today.

Aphmau stops and peaks her head into the living room "Hey guys, I'm going to Aaron's house. I'll be back later!"

"Have fun, come back whenever!" I say happily.

"Make sure you guys don't get too touchy with each other." Katelyn says with a serious look on her face.

Aphmau slightly laughs "Katelyn, we are only friends."

"Sadly." I hear Kawaii~Chan whisper under her breath.

Aphmau looks at Kawaii~Chan confusingly "What did you say Kawaii~Chan?"

Kawaii~Chan nervously laughs "Kawaii~Chan said nothing!"

Aphmau shakes her head while smiling "Anyway, I'll see you guys later!"

All three of us hear our front door open and shut, indicating that Aphmau left.

"So, Sienna what's going on between you and Jerome?" Katelyn asks to get mine and Kawaii~Chan's attention back to her.

I start to blush "N-Nothing is going on, we're just friends."

"Sienna~Sama you make it pretty obvious that you like him." Kawaii~Chan says with a mischievous smile.

"I-Is not!" I say as I fail to hide my emotions from the two of them.

Katelyn smirks "Please, you look at Jerome the same way Kawaii~Chan does when she's baking sweets."

Kawaii~Chan crosses her arms "Hey!"

I laugh a little "I have to admit that comparison is funny."

"Even if it's about you and Jerome?" Katelyn teases.

I sigh heavily "Katelyn...."

Katelyn smiles "What is it Sienna?"

I narrow my eyes at Katelyn "You better run before I catch you!"

As soon as I say that  Katelyn runs up the stairs, into her room and locks it.

I stop right before her door and smile.

That will teach you not to mess with me.

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now