Getting Ready To Invade

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(Shad's POV)(Evening)

*Two Months Later*

As I'm sitting on my throne, I come to realize something. I didn't want to kill Irene anymore, maybe it was my heart telling me that I still love her.

"My lord, Ein is here to talk to you." one of my shadow knights say quickly.

I sigh in defeat "Fine, send him in."

Ein walks in with a smirk "My lord, are you ready to invade?"

I clear my throat "Yes, we can begin to invade in the morning. Make sure to get everybody ready."

"Yes sir, but I do have a question for you." Ein says curiously

I roll my eyes "What would that be?"

Ein smiles evilly "Do you have anything against me killing Aaron Lycan?"

I think for a second "No, I don't have anything against you killing him. It'd be actually be better if you did so I don't have to do it later."

Ein laughs a little "Good, I'll see you in the morning."

I nod my head "Sounds good, get some sleep."

Ein turns around and walks towards the direction of his fortress.

Good he's gone, I've got to figure out how to tell Irene that I don't want to kill her anymore. Even if I tried to tell her she wouldn't believe me, maybe when she shows up to the battle I'll tell her.

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now