Aphmau's Advice

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(Aphmau's POV)(Night)

"Hey guys, I'm back from Aaron's!" I say as I walk in and close the door to our front door.

Sienna walks up to me "Hey Aph, how was Aaron's?"

I slightly blush "It was good, we watched some Darling In The FRAXX."

"Are you blushing?" Sienna asks curiously.

I quickly cover my cheeks "N-No."

Sienna laughs a little "Relax, I'm not like Kawaii~Chan."

"Speaking of which, where's Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan?" I ask curiously.

Sienna thinks for a second "Well Kawaii~Chan should be getting off work soon and Katelyn is in her room meditating before she goes to bed."

I smile at Sienna "Okay, thanks for letting me know."

Sienna smiles back "No problem and Aph?"

I look at Sienna confusingly "Yeah?"

"Can I tell you something?" Sienna asks shyly.

I put my hand on her shoulder "Sienna, you can tell me anything."

"I think I like Jerome." Sienna says quickly.

"You do? That's great!" I say happily.

"No it's not!" Sienna says with a slightly irritated tone.

I look at Sienna confusingly "Why not?"

Sienna tears up a little "Well, I'm not sure if he likes me back."

"Oh sweetie, the only way to know is to ask him yourself." I say in a reassuring tone.

Sienna and I walk up the stairs and stand in front of both of our bedroom doors.

Sienna yawns "I know, but anyway good night Aphmau."

I yawn as well "Night."

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