Christmas Party Pt. 2

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(Aphmau's POV)(Night)

After we get done cleaning up from the party, we decide to hang out for a couple more minutes.

Katelyn laughs a little "Wow, now that was a party."

Jerome laughs as well "It was funny how Laurence and Garroth tried to kiss Aphmau."

"Please, I think it was childish." I say in a irritated tone.

Aaron sighs "I agree, she shouldn't be forced into anything. Especially if it's a kiss from someone she's not interested in."

Katelyn looks at her hot chocolate, then back at everyone "That, I agree with."  

"Well, it's time for me to go home." Jerome says as he makes his way towards the door.

Aaron makes his way towards the door as well "Same."

I smile at Aaron and Jerome "Alright, bye guys!"

Aaron smiles back at Aphmau "Bye Aph."

As Aaron and Jerome head out the door and close it, my heart drops.

Katelyn clears her throat "So Sienna, when are you going to tell Jerome how you feel?"

All the sudden I see Sienna's face go red "I don't have feelings for him!"

Katelyn laughs a little "Please Sienna, you're just like Aphmau and her feelings for Aaron."

I look at Katelyn in shock "Wait, how did I get dragged into this?"

Katelyn laughs even more "Because you can't even admit to yourself that you have feelings for him."

I sigh in defeat and start heading up the stairs "I'm going to bed, I'll talk to you guys later."

"Night Aph." I hear Sienna faintly say as I make my way towards my room, close my door and lay on my bed.

Do I love Aaron? More Importantly does he still love me? I need to ask him soon.

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