Ein And Shad's Arrival

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(Aaron's POV)(Morning)

Over the past couple of months everyone has been training for the upcoming battle. Everybody is more than ready to fight Ein and Shad, we'll do anything to protect our world and everyone else. Kawaii~Chan and Zane got sent to Falcon Claw to be protected from this war.

As I look around, I see everyone discussing battle strategy and back up plans. After a few minutes Aph comes walking up to me and kisses me on the cheek.

I smile at her "Hey babe."

Aphmau smiles back "Hey Aaron."

"You ready to fight for our world?" I ask in a serious tone.

Aphmau looks at me "Yes, I am and we're not going to let anyone destroy it."

All the sudden we hear a huge boom coming from outside.

"Get ready to fight!" I say in a determined tone.

All of us rush out the door and see a nether portal appears a few yards away from us.

The first two people we see come out of the nether portal is Ein and Shad, as they approach us their army starts coming out of the portal.

Ein raises one of his hands and closes it to make a fist, after a few seconds the shadow knight army stops almost immediately like they were some sort of robots.

"Aphmau darling, I see that you've gotten even more beautiful over the years." Ein says as he walks up to her.

Aphmau grabs my hand and holds it "I don't really care what you have to say Ein, I'm with Aaron now."

Ein laughs a little "Of course you are, Aaron is pretty good at taking things that were once mine."

"Like what, your alpha position that you didn't rightfully deserve?" I ask in a mocking tone.

Ein looks at me straight in the eyes "I deserved that position and you know it. After I kill you I'll make sure to take everything that was once mine, starting with little Aphmau here."

From the corner of my eye I see Aphmau walk up to Ein and say "I will never be yours even if you succeeded with killing Aaron."

Ein looks towards Aphmau and smirks "Please you give me little credit Aphmau, this Ultima will die and put an end to the Lycan curse bloodline!"

Shock enters my body "How do you know I'm a Ultima werewolf!"

Ein laughs evilly "I figured it out with proof that I got from someone."

Katelyn suddenly steps up "I may not like werewolves, but Aaron isn't a corrupted power hungry werewolf like you are! You hurt my brother and set a horrible example for werewolves. You will pay for what you've done to everyone."

A few seconds later Travis, Garroth and Laurence step up next to us.

Shad walks up next to Ein "You may be descendants of us, but you are no warriors."

Aphmau, Laurence, Garroth, Katelyn, Travis and I transform into our Divine Warrior forms and summon our legendary weapons.

I laugh a little "We will see won't we guys? We won't let you two destroy what Irene made!"

"Oh we will and when you lose, I'll make sure you die a slow painful death. In a matter of fact, I think I'll kill you first." Ein says in a cocky tone.

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