Unexpected News

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(Aaron's POV)(Morning)

As I'm making breakfast I hear my doorbell ring. I walk to the door and open it to see a slightly pale Aphmau.

"Aphmau, what's wrong?" I say worryingly.

"We need to talk." Aphmau steps inside and closes the door behind her.

After a few seconds we walk over to the couch and sit.

"What about?" I ask curiously.

"Irene came to me in a dream last night." Aphmau says quickly.

I look at Aphmau confusingly "Irene? Like in the Goddess Irene, who is also The Matron?"

Aphmau nods her head quickly "Yeah."

"What did she talk to you about?" I ask quickly.

Aphmau takes a deep breath "She told me a war is coming."

Shock fills my body "What kind of war?"

Aphmau sighs again "Ein along with Shad's army are coming here in a couple months to invade the human world."

"I thought Ein was in jail!" I say starting to get irritated.

Aphmau looks at the floor "He was, but then he made a deal with Shad. That as long as he gets to kill Irene, Ein kill whoever he wants and stay immortal."

Anger starts to boil in my blood "We can't let Ein be immortal or kill anyone. Better yet we can't let Shad kill Irene either!"

"Aaron, there's something I need to tell you." Aphmau says quickly.

My anger is quickly replaced with worry "What is it?"

Aphmau laughs a little "I'm the descendant of Irene, which is funny because she told me you're Shad's descendant."

"I'm Shad's descendant and you're Irene's?!" I ask with shock in my voice.

Aphmau's eyes fill with tears "Does that mean the feelings I have for you aren't real and they are only there because we're destined for each other."

I look into Aphmau's amber eyes and kiss her, after a few seconds we release from the kiss "I don't think that's true, if it was then we wouldn't have hated each other when we first met."

Aphmau sniffles "Yeah I guess you're right about that."

I grab Aphmau's hands "I love you Shu, more than you could ever know."

Aphmau blushes "I love you too FC."

I take a deep breath "Aphmau, will you be my girlfriend?"

Aphmau smiles hugely "Aaron, I'd love to be your girlfriend!"

We kiss again, then release after a few minutes.

I sigh in defeat "We need to get started with training for the upcoming war, but the thing is why weren't we taught at the university like everyone else?"

"The only reason why us and a select few didn't take it, is because we already have the fighting instincts from thousands of years ago." Aphmau says in a serious tone.

"Okay, let's get the others so we can started with training." I say nervously.

Don't worry Irene, we won't let Ein destroy what you made.

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now