Training For The Upcoming War

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(Sienna's POV)(Morning)

Katelyn smirks at me "Alright Sienna, let's see what you got."

I surround my fist with water and attempt to hit Katelyn. As soon as I get close to her face her firefists stop it from going any further.

I take my other fist and punch her in the stomach "Checkmate."

"Nice punch Sienna, but can you take a hit from my firefists?" Katelyn asks curiously.

Katelyn delivers quick hits, but slow enough for me to dodge. After a few minutes of dodging, I feel a burning slash to my stomach which causes me to fall to the ground.

"Sienna! Are you okay?" Jerome says as I feel him rush over to my side and kneels.

Katelyn rushes towards me as well "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to Sienna!"

I lift my shirt up a little to reveal four slash marks on my stomach.

Jerome stands up "I'll go ask Aphmau if she can heal the marks."

Tears start forming in Katelyn's eyes "I-I'm so sorry Sienna!"

I hug Katelyn "It's okay Katelyn, our injuries are going to be ten times worse when we actually fight for our lives."

Aphmau, Aaron and Jerome come rushing in to where Katelyn and I are sitting on the ground.

"Jerome told us what happened, let me see your wound." Aphmau says calmly to me.

A purple light emits from her hands to my wounds, after a few seconds my wound disappears like it was never there.

I laugh a little "Thank you Aphmau."

Aphmau smiles at me "No problem Sienna."

All of us continued to train more, which led up to us being done at eleven at night even though we started training at six in the morning.

Aaron is in the front of the room and looks at everyone "Good training everyone! Now get some sleep, we'll need you back at six in the morning."

Everyone but Aaron sighs in defeat and exhaustion.

"I've got good news though, Aaron and I are dating!" Aphmau says happily.

Our group begins to cheer and clap, even Laurence and Garroth which was surprising.

"When did you guys finally decide to date?" Jerome asks curiously.

Aphmau blushes "We started dating yesterday."

Katelyn laughs "Congratulations, it's about time!"

Aaron clears his throat "Anyway everyone get some rest, we did good today."

Jerome looks at me smiling "You ready to go home?"

I smile back at him "Yeah, I think I'll stay at your place tonight."

"That's fine with me." Jerome says happily.

Garroth laughs "Ooh Jerome's bringing a girl home tonight."

Jerome slightly blushes "Garroth, at least I can bring a girl home."

Everyone in the room except Garroth laugh making him go red from embarrassment.

This is what everyone needs a good laugh, before Ein and Shad come to invade.

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now