The Final Battle

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(Aphmau's POV)(Afternoon)

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"I'll take both of them on." Ein says cockily.

Shad sighs "Whatever you say."

Ein dashes towards me, but I quickly dodge.

"You worthless human, don't dodge my attacks!" Ein says angrily.

"The only worthless one here is you." Aaron says in an irritated tone.

Ein growls "Why you!"

Ein tries to slash Aaron, but he swings his demonic broadsword and clash against his sword.

Rage starts building inside of Aaron "I won't let you hurt Aphmau!"

Ein laughs a little as he jumps back "I will hurt her if I want to and the thing will hurt her the most is me killing you. Although the same goes for you, doesn't it?"

Ein speeds over to me, cuts me in the stomach and arm before I'm able to react.

I scream in pain, but manages to cut Ein on the stomach.

"How dare you!" Ein says angrily.

I smile weakly "Looks like you're not as good as you think you are."

As Aaron sees Ein raise his sword, anger builds up even more. Within a few seconds I see Aaron's ears and tail pop out.

Aaron rushes towards Ein and cut him in the arm and leg, causing him to go down.

"Aph, are you okay?" Aaron asks in a worried tone.

I smile at Aaron "I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Aaron looks at me again and sees my healed wounds.

My eyes widen "Aaron watch out!"

Suddenly Aaron looks down to see a gash in his side with a tint of green around the wound.

Ein laughs "You idiot, that's why you never turn your back to me!"

I rush over to Aaron "What did you do to him!?"

"I cut him with my sword, which poisons werewolves as well. Within an hour of that being in his blood system he'll die and you'll be mine." Ein says in a mocking tone.

Aphmau's eyes turn purple "I won't let you take him from me!"

Ein smiles evilly "Too bad, the poison already is."

Aaron falls to the ground and coughs up blood.

Everyone runs up to me "Aphmau!"

I look at them "Protect Aaron with your life, make sure he doesn't die from the poison!"

After a few seconds Travis creates a double protection barrier around all of them.

I look at Ein "It's just you and me Ein."

Ein smirks again "Good, you'll be easy to deal with."

I dash towards Ein and swing my blue and white sword against his black sword. After a few minutes of our swords clashing, I see an opening and kick him in the stomach.

Ein looks at me in shock "What's with those purple eyes? Your hits shouldn't be affecting me! You're a worthless and weak human."

I laugh a little "Actually, I'm the descendant of Irene."

Ein starts swinging his sword, clashing against my sword every time.

I start attacking even faster, Ein tries to keep up but can't match the speed.

Ein's sword gets knocked out of his hand "N-No! This can't be!"

I step closer to Ein "This will be the end of you Ein."

"P-Please no! I don't deserve to die!" Ein says in a desperate tone.

I look at Ein with anger "You're right, I need to do something first."

Purple light comes from my hand, after a few seconds I throw it at Ein. Causing his ears and tail to disappear, making him to panic even more.

"What happened to my ears and tail?!" Ein says in a panicked tone.

"I got rid of them so you could die as the species you hate so much." I say in a serious tone.

Ein looks at me angrily "I hate you!"

I pierce my sword across Ein's chest, then stab him in the heart "Good to know."

Ein falls to the ground dead with blood coming out of the wound I made with my sword.

A few minutes pass and I feel my eyes go back to normal. I run towards Aaron and the others.

"Aphmau, you have to help him!" Katelyn says in a panicked tone.

I kneel down and place my hands on Aaron's wound.

Aaron looks at me while sweating heavily "Aph, what happened to Ein?"

A purple light emits from my hand again "He's gone, we don't have to worry about him anymore."

Aaron laughs a little "Good, I'm glad we're safe."

The purple light fades to reveal Aaron's wound gone, along with the poison in his system.

Aaron kisses me passionately "I love you so much."

I smile at Aaron "I love you too."

Suddenly I fall into Aaron's arms, feeling exhausted and drained of power.

Aaron looks at me worryingly "Aph, are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm okay, just exhausted from using my power." I say in a tired tone.

Shad walks up to us and laughs "Well, well, well, looks like you guys are exhausted. This will make it easy to kill all of you guys."

Shad destroys Travis' barrier and raises his sword to kill us one by one.

When suddenly a white barrier surrounds us, leaving Shad unable to kill any of us.

A bright white light appears, then quickly fades revealing The Matron Irene.

War Between Dimensions {Sequel to University Of Irene} | Aarmau AU {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now