I am your inner demon Part 2

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Y/N: So you wanted to talk to me.

Bob: Exactly but before we talk.

Bob hit Y/N with his fist on the head.

Bob: That was for calling me Bob!

Y/N: You're beating like a five-year-old girl.

Bob: 💢

Bob: Stay calm Bob you're too old to get upset with someone less than half your age.

Y/N: You just called yourself Bob.

Bob fell to the ground and started to cry over him formed a cloud from which it started to rain.

Bob: What did I do to earn it?

Y/N: Did I hurt your feelings?

Bob: Yes.

Y/N: Good, you are wasting my time. What did you want to talk to me about?

Bob got up and looked at Y/N seriously.

Bob: You are a complete idiot if you think that you are too weak.

Around the two appeared projections from past events. In them, Y/N saw him training for 10 hours every day since he was five. How he fought with Souji against three A-class strays at the same time. Y/N smiled as he saw the memories.

Y/N: Why are you showing me that?

Bob: Because how many five-year-olds would be trained by a maniac and then 10 hours each day how many times have you been sent by him to the hospital through training?

Y/N: 20 times.

Bob: And yet you have continued training.

Y/N: And the fight with the three?

Bob: Did not you notice that he was holding back he had to intervene only when they had overwhelmed you and then you had already killed one and the second was already close to its end.

Y/N: Now I know it again that was the day I was asked which Girl I would like to marry later.

Bob: Oh right let's see the memories of your answer.


Y/N just entered the dining room and in front of him stood Rias Sona and Ravel with their arms crossed.

Rias: No excuses anymore Brother It's time for an answer!

Rias: Which...

Sona: ...of us...

Ravel: ...will you...

Rias,Sona&Ravel: ...MARRY?!

Y/N took a few steps back from the girls.

Y/N(mind): Ok you can do that, be a man.

Y/N: The truth is that mother was right I love you three so now it's out.

Sona: Does that mean you do not marry any of us?

Y/N: No no no no I wanted to say that if you agree, I would marry you three.

The three looked at Y/N shocked as they processed the just heard. Unnoticed by the children, the mothers stood behind a corner and performed embarrassing victorious dances.After a few minutes, Y/N decided to say something.

Y/N: So what do you say.

Sona (blushes): As long as I can be with you and you love me I have no problems with it.

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