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Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-Y/N's POV-
I'm laying in my apartments couch with my earbuds on listening to good old Marshall Mathers.(Eminem)
This is how I usually spend my weekends just me, my music, and food and movies, I mean I work out and all but I love food.
I closed my eyes wandering off into my own mind.
Ahh I love my music...
I felt a new weight go on top of me and I immediately open my eyes and see a familiar pair of cyan eyes.
I take off my Earbuds and look at her.
"AVA GET THE HELL OFF ME!" I say and she cover her light purple ears"ow Y/N! That's to loud!" She said.
"Well I'm sorry that your sitting on me!" I say and she scrambles off me.
"Ava seriously you didn't have to sit on her." Says Rose as she comes in with Allison.
"I agree she was on her earbuds again wasn't she?" Allison said and Ava nods.
"I regret now giving you guys my spare keys..." I said mumbling.
"We're your best friends. You love us." Allison says and I roll my eyes.
"Why did you guys have to break into my apartment for?" I says and Rose's Purple eyes sparkled.
"Where going out!" She said and I looked at her confused.
"To where?" I say and they laugh.
"To a concert of course!" They say now there eyes all sparkling and Ava and Rose's tails wagging.
"A Marshall Mathers Concert?!?!" I say happy and they look at me.
"Get your addiction off of Eminem!" Allison says and I look at her.
"Never!" I say.
"We're going to a Pheonix's Heart Concert!" Rose says and shows us tickets with passes.
"You got backstage passes!" Ava and Allison day and I groan.
"Seriously!" I say and she looks at me with puppy eyes.
"Come on N/N I already payed for your ticket! It'll be fun you need to get out of the house and stop watching Friends!" Rose says.
"But Roas And Rachel are on a break!" I say and she looks at me.
"Spoiler at the end they get together and Monica and chandler get twins and Phoebe marries and Joey still eats food!" Rose says and I am now chasing her around.
"Y/N quit trying to kill Rose just come with us." Allison says and I give up.
"Your never gonna stop bugging me are you?" I say and they nod.
I sigh and put my hand on my head.
"Fiiiiine! I'll go..." I say and they cheer.

Someone's Fan Singer! Laurance x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now