You Think You Can Get Rid Of Me?

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Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates
Marie Belongs To BreadGennie

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
M/N- Moms Name
D/N- Dads Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-Laurance's POV-
I was waiting for Jezabelle to co over to my house. I'm going to finally brake up with her.
I know somethings up with her. She's always out late, I've also seen pictures of her out with other guys at clubs and parties.
I'm not stupid. I know she's Manipulative and she's been cheating on me. I'm just gonna end things with her and she won't be my problem anymore.
I heard a knock on the door and I stood up and opened it. I saw Jezabelle standing infront of me smiling. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I stumbled back at the sudden move-ment. I stopped her and hi looke dat her dead in the eye.
"Can I have a talk with you?" I said and she nodded. We was sat on the couch with her across from me.
"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked. I took a big breath and let it out.
"Jezabelle... I think we need to break up." I said.
"W-What? Why?!" She said shocked.
"Because I know what you have been up to. I've seen things online that someone wouldn't want their boyfriend to see." I said and her eyes widened signaling that she knew she was caught.
"T-that?! Oh those are um... Old pictures! That was before I was dating y-you?" She said. Man she sucks at lying.
"Jezabelle. We're through. Never come back to this house ever again." I say as calm as I can.
"Is this because of Y/N?!" She said with a new change of voice.
"Why does she have to do anything with this?" I ask and she laughs.
"OH please! I knew where you where a few weeks ago! You went to her recording studio!" She said.
"Where you following me?!" I said slightly yelling.
"That bitch must have told you something didn't she!?" She yelled. I stood up and glared at her.
"Get out of this house! I hope I never see you ever again!" I yell at her.
"You think you can get rid of me? HAH! You'll see me again. Oh trust me you will!" She said and stormed out of the house and slammed the door shut. I sat down on the couch again and huffed.
"She's insane..." I mumbled to my self.

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