
746 28 1

Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
M/N- Moms Name
D/N- Dads Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-Y/N's POV-
"Ever since the words of famous singer Laurence Zvahl during after one of the concerts everyone has been on his tail asking for questions here's footage of reporters trying to talk to him."
"Laurence Zvahl! Do you have any remarks on what you said during the night of your concert?!"basis the reporter on the T.V. This whole thing has been on T.V for about 3 days now since it happened. I look at his face on the camera and I took notice that he had glasses on.
I was told before that when stars wear glasses in public it means two thing.
One they are trying to hide from the fans and reporters, or they have to hide their eyes if their tired, were crying, or had anything wrong so no one can lie and say they are on drugs.
I change the channel.

Same thing.

I do it again.

Same thing.

I do it one more time.

A new thing came on.

"A murder-suicide has happened in the city of Pheonix Drop. A husband and wife were shot multiple times in the head and in the chest. It was to late before the cops came. They found the suspect dead with a gun in hand and a shot through his head.
They're daughter have not yet been in contact of what happened. She supposedly will be contacted later in the week or today.
The victims are M/N L/N and D/N L/N that's all the information we can give to you. Back to you Crystal.

"Well that's very sad. Anyways hit start singer in the band Phoenix's Hear-

I turn off the T.V and stare at the black screen I look at my hands and see that they were shaking. I felt my heart shatter into pieces right then and there I saw tears fall onto my arms.




They're gone...

If I wasn't a jerk back then they probably wouldn't have gotten killed.

ITS MY FAULT! All my fault...
I'm bursting into tears at this moment thinking fast and crying.

I put them out fo my life because I was selfish.
I felt something vibrate on the table and I look at what it was...

It was the phone...
I immediately grab it and answer it.
"H-hello?" I say in a shaky voice.
"Y/N are you ok?" I heard of boys voice say. I look at the caller I.D and see that it's Vylad.
"N-No n-n-not at a-all." I say crying..
"Should I come over? Are you hurt?!" He said.
"Not ph-physically hurt but m-mentally." I say and choke out.
"I'm coming over. I'll see you in ten minutes. Do you want me to bring anyone?" He asks.
"I- I don't care" I start breaking down and I drop my phone on the couch.
"Y/N?! Y/N!? Are you ok!?" I heard and the phone hung up.
I lay down on the couch and curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.
They're dead...


I heard a knock on the door and I got up trying to control myself. I saw my reflection and I look already horrible. It's only been 20 minutes and I had my eyes all red and puffy and my hair a mess. I didn't care and I just opened the door and see Vylad and Laurence in the door. They're eyes widen once they see me.
"What happened to you?!?" Laurence said.
I couldn't even finish my sentence before breaking down and it really didn't help that I was breaking down in front of two people right now.
Someone ushered me to the couch and sat me down.
"Shhh calm down..." Laurence said rubbing circles into my back trying to calm me down.
I feel like I have enough power to talk now to them without crying probably.
"Now what happened?" They said in unison.
"W-well remember h-how I told you that I didn't talk to to my parents in F-five y-years?" I say and they kid their heads.
"On the news there was a murder-suicide of a husband and wife in Phoenix Drop a-and-
I cried and I hugged Laurence wetting his shirt. He tensed up but softened and hugged me back.

"It's my fault. If I wasn't so selfish then they probably wouldn't be dead." I say muffled into the shirt crying.
"It's not your fault Y/N that they're dead. Someone just decided to be evil and kill them and take their own life because they're selfish." Vylad says.
I felt someone pet my hair and it calmed me a little. I felt light headed from all the crying from all the crying I was doing and I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

-Laurence's POV-
I lightly pet Y/N's hair because I know this calms people down. I felt her arms stop wrapping around mane I feel her breathing ease a lot. I knew that she fell asleep.
"She asleep?" Vylad asked and I nodded my head.
"Yea. What are we gonna do? I would hate to find from someone else that my family got killed and I haven't talked to them in 5 years." I responded to him.
"Hey Vylad I have to ask you a question." I said and he looked at me.
"Yea?" He said with an eyebrow raised.
"Do you like Y/N?" I say.
"I don't like her like that but I do like her. Why do you ask?" He says and I shrug my shoulder.
"I don't know I was just wondering. You spend so much time with her so I was curious." And that I for some reason can't stop thinking about her. I know I've been bugged by people from what I said but it's true.
I would like to be with someone like her.
But the thing is though.

Do I like her, love her, or am I just overthinking it?

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