"I'm Not Gonna Do That... Not While You're Like This."

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Meaning of Dialated Pupils:
There are diffrent reasons for you pupils of the eyes to be dialated.
Reason #1: Your eyes dilate to who you are attracted to when you see them.
Reason #2: You are on drugs.
Or the dark and so on...

Ava Belongs To liviyt Rose Belongs To RoseRomave Millie Belongs To grace051 Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates Marie Belongs To BreadGennie

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Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates
Marie Belongs To BreadGennie

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
M/N- Moms Name
D/N- Dads Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-3rd Person POV-
That's how it started. Since Jezabelle was practically ruining Pheonix's Heart's reputation with her 'Abusive' relationship with the lead singer Laurance Zvahl it went downhill.
It's been the big talk for months and it's affected the lead singer a lot as well.
He started going to bars everyday and came home late. His band mates don't know that he has also been smoking marijuana which is LEGAL in California which is why the author is writing this because it takes place in California.
Anyways... his band mates were worried about him and had no idea what he was thinking. All that they know is the sounds of him throwing up in the morning from his hangovers. But that still didn't stop him from doing it. The first time he went to a bar you probably read last chapter. Then it was an endless chain. Every time that the slightest thing happened that went wrong he would drink. He was happy or excited about something.
He would drink. Another hate mail letter came about the out roar about Jezabelle's insane remark? He would once again drink.
No one can stop him. It's turning so bad that the band can't put that much concerts or albums out from his hangovers.
Who will be able to fix him or stop his habit?

-Y/N's POV-
As I knocked on the door of the boy's house the door was immediately opened by a worried Vylad.
"Uh Hey Vylad. What do you guys need that's so important that I had to come here?" I asked and he grabs me inside.
"We need your help!" He says and I raise one of my eyebrows in suspicion.
"With what?" I say with
"With Laurance. He's been having problems lately and we've tried our best to help but it wouldn't work. He always goes to a bar everyday.You're our last hope Y/N. Please help." He says and I take his plead into consideration.
I sigh and nod my head.
"Fine. I'll help." I said and he smiled.
"Great! I'm gonna go out for a little but he's in his room you just go up the stairs down the hall 2nd to last door on the left." He said and pushed me inside and closed the door on his way out.
Wow... he's such a great friend... ಠ_ಠ
I follow Vylads instructions and go zip the stairs and find the second to last door on the left.
I take a few seconds to knock on the door and I hear a faint noise of moving stuff around and spraying, after a while I heard the noise of water running and someone... brushing their teeth?
After two minutes I heard a faint 'Come in' and I turned the doorknob.
Once I entered the room the stench of Fabrooze hit my nostril and it smelled nice.
"Oh hey Y/N." I heard the Boyce of Laurance day behind me. I turn to my left and see Laurance in his bathroom doorway.
"Hey Laur. How have you been?" I smiled slightly at him.
Maybe he'll spill if I just slowly get it out of him.
He moves closer to me.
"I'm fine. Especially since you are here~" He says smirking at the end of his comment.
Seriously? Out of ALL the pick-up lines he chose the most used one.
I kind of laugh a little but at his line and smile.
"Oh quit acting silly." I said laughing more.
I put one of my hands on his shoulder and look at him in the eye. I couldn't help but notice something looked... off about his eyes.
I pushed the thought to the back of my head and sighed.
"Vylad called me and said you've been having problems with the whole Jezabelle thing. Are you ok?" I ask and he immediately hugs me.
I hug him back after a little.
"Yea I'm perfectly fine. It just bugs me how she lies and just tries ruining my whole reputation." He says and I sigh.
"Its ok Laurance. It's gonna be fine." I say as I feel him petting my hair.
He stops hugging me and looks at my eyes.
His eyes. I don't know what's up with them but something off...
suddenly I was being kissed. My eyes widened for a minute at the sudden motion. For some reason everything seemed to have disappeared.I relaxed and ended up kissing back.
Ok so the lemon will be coming soon when you see this sign:
That's when you know the lemon is coming.
We pulled apart for air and I took a deep breath.
I look at him in the eyes and he looked back at me.
He pulled me close to him. And stroked my face.
"Y/N has anyone ever told you that you are the most beautiful person on earth~" He said to me as I blushed lightly at his words.
"H-heh quit it with the cheesy pick-up lines." I say smiling and he kisses me again. This time I immediately kiss back.
He somehow managed to pull me closer to him like a tight hug and I wrapped my arms around his head.
I then suddenly felt a bite on the bottom of my lip. I knew what it meant and I opened my mouth and he let his tongue enter my mouth. I ended up doing the same. As our tongues fought for dominance we moved to where we fell onto his bed. We let go of eachother to breath for a second then go back at it again.
He stopped kissing me and went down to my neck and started kissing it. He found a sweet spot and that caused me to slightly moan.
He started abusing it and causing me to moan more.
"L-Laurence! Quit it!" I say and he stops and looks at me in the eyes.
-End Of Lemon-
That's when I noticed something his pupils where dilated. I remember back a few minutes ago when he brushed his teeth and the smell of air freshener. He didn't know I was coming and I'm sure he wouldn't brush his teeth for the others...
'He always goes to a bar everyday.'
I got Laurance off me and stood up.
"Laurance you need to answer me truthfully ok?" I said and he nods.
"Are you by any chance. I don't know... drunk?" He says and he shakes his head no.
"I'm not drunk at all."
"Ok... well are you high?" I ask and he laughs.
"I am tall of course I'm high." He says.
He's dodging my question...
"Laurence. I mean have you smoked marijuana or anything like that?" I say and he turns almost nervous.
"No? I don't know why you're asking let's just contin-
"I'm not gonna do that... not while you're like this." I say to him.
"Laurance. Your band mates are worried about you. I'm worried about you." I say and his eyes looked guilty as I said that.
"Look. You need to quit it Laurance. Just doing what you are doing is having Jezabelle's false comments about you are making people think it's true because you're not doing any concerts and are out of the public eye." Do you really want that?!" I say desperate now.
He didn't answer and just looked down at the floor.
I sighed and went to the door.
"Text me or call me when you get your act together." I say and leave.

Someone's Fan Singer! Laurance x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now