Y/N Revenge Song

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And don't play yet...

Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates
Marie Belongs To BreadGennie

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
M/N- Moms Name
D/N- Dads Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-Y/N's POV-
I knock on the door of the guys' house and Laurance answers. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him.
"Hey Laurance! I was wondering if you and the guy wo-
" Y/N shut up." He says and my eyes widen.
"What?" I ask him and he leans on the door post with his arms crossed.
"I said Shut. Up. Did I stutter?" He said and narrowed his eyes at me.
"What did I do?!" I ask.
"I'm not gonna listen to some stupid gold digging bitch." He says and slams the door on my face.
Didn't he like me? What did I do?

"Good job Pheonix's Heart!" I say and leave back to behind the stage.
"Well ain't she cool am I right guys?" Laurance says through the microphone.
"And she got a killer singing voice as well!" Garroth says and they all nod.
"Yea I would kill to be with her!" Laurance says and I immediately widen my eyes and he clasps the front of his mouth with his hand.
All of us had our eyes widened at what he said.
Did he just...
"Hehe just joking well goodbye hope you enjoyed the concert. BYE!" He said running back stage.
What in the name of Irene...

"So I showed this song to the guys and it's actually written by someone we all know. I just want to say that everyone has been giving her a hard time and I just want to say that she's not using us for fame! She actually is awesome and nice. Y/N this is a suprise for you. Enjoy." Laurance said. My eyes widen. He did take my song.

"He totally likes you." Ava, Marie, Allison, and Rose say.
"Really? You think so?" I ask them and they nod.
"Yea isn't hard to see! You got a chance if you like him big time!" Rose says and I look away and smile to myself.
I do have a chance...


Lies... that's what they are. L. I. E. S! I thought he did like me. He seemed so but I'm just one of those girls that fell for that STUPID BOY! I hate him... he tricked me into liking him. Making me feel like I had a chance then just hit me back into realization. I look down to the ground and see water on the floor and drops falling. I thought it was raining but it was me. I was crying. Not from sadness but from anger.
I'll show him. I don't need him.
I go on my contacts and clicks his and block his number. I'm sure he would have anyways so I'll do it for him.
I go into my car and drive back to my apartment.

Hmmm let's see....
'I'll take you down now make you watch me-
What does it need? Hmm well the song I guess has some childish stuff as pikachu, and a teddy bear so how about something with dolls? Wait that's it!
'I'll take you down now make you watch me! Dancing with my dolls on the mother bucking beat! Not your toy!' Perfect. Now there's some of the refrain. Now onto the rest.

I listen to the beat I made and see if it played out well.
-Play Song-
Hmm... it's good but the one part of singing will go with someone but I can't do it by myself though. Wit that's it!
I go on my phone with the music still playing in the background and I start a group chat and text.

 Wit that's it!I go on my phone with the music still playing in the background and I start a group chat and text

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Great! They have good voices right?

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Great! They have good voices right?

The door knocks and I open the door to be met by the girls with Aphmau.
"Hey Y/N was it ok that I brought Aph?" Ava asks and I nod.
"Yea sure! I'm always happy to have her here." I say and I let them in.
"So why did you want us here?" Marie asks.
"Well I made a song. And I want you guys to be in it." I say.
"Really?!" They all say and I nod.
"So What's the song about anyways?" Rose asks. I can't tell them WHO it's about... on other thought though I can trust them...
"Well Soemmthing happened between me and Laurance and well this songs about him." I say and they aww.
"That's so sweet! Im sure we are all happy to be part of your song!" Allison say and the rest nod.

"What the hell did that bastard do to you?!" Allison says. We just finished going over the song and they were not expecting what I wrote.
Allison's eyes where kind of black and kind of freaked us out.
"I'm with Allison. You rip his ass in this song." Marie says.
"I don't know he called me some gold digging bitch and was an ass to me to where I cried an-
"WHAT?!?!" They all say.
"WE. ARE, DOING. THIS. SONG!" Ava says.
"Yea I agree! I'll tell you all what. I have a concert this Friday and I want YOU guys to be the last act. Sing this song. Y/N I know how much you like making music and then I'll have you guys use my studio to make a demo." She says.
"Really?!?!" We all day and she nods.
"Aph you are the best sister!" Ava says and hugs her.
"Yea thanks Aphmau I'll never know how to repay you!" I say. She laughs and puts her hand on my shoulder.
"Just do me a favor and become famous for singing. You have talent." She says and I smile at her.
I will do it...

Someone's Fan Singer! Laurance x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now