The Cassanova, The drummer, The guitarist, and the bassist

925 35 8

Ava Belongs To liviyt
Rose Belongs To RoseRomave
Millie Belongs To grace051
Allison Belongs To Sophie_Animates

Things To Know:
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
N/N- Nick Name
H/C- Hair Color
E/C- Eye Color
F/C- Favorite Color
-Y/N's POV-
We sit down on a couch and I see the other threes reactions. They were so happy to meet them.
"Hello ladies." Said Laurance.
"Hi! I'm Allison Ryanheart" Allison says introducing herself.
"Hi I'm Ava Phoenix" Ava says and they wave.
"I'm Rose Lycan!" They say and everyone looks at me.
"I'm Y/N the friend that was forced here." I say and the band members look at me.
"So you didn't want to come to our concert?" Garroth said.
I nod my head.
"Well yes I wanted to watch my F.R.I.E.N.D.S marathon but someone spoiled it for me." I said looking at Rose and she laughs nervously.
She's lucky she's sitting the farthest away from me or I would've killed her.
"I'm with you Y/N I like that show as well I hate when my friends and family spoil it." Vylad says and I look at him.
"What episode are you on?" I ask him and he smiles.
"When Ross and Rachel go on a break." He says and I smile at him. "Same!" I say.
"Do you guys have any idea on what they're talking about?" Dante says and everyone shakes them head.
"So ladies why don't you tell us a bit about yourselves." Garroth says and they all nod.
"Well I'm the older sibling of Aphmau Phoenix. I didn't really want to be like my sister and get my privacy invaded by people online so I stayed simple." Ava says.
"Believe is we know what you mean. It's hard being famous." Laurance says.
"Cocky much..." I mumble and Ava hits my shoulder.
"Ow!" I say and everyone looks at em confused.
"Well I'm the younger sister of Aaron Lycan the one who dates Aphmau and me and Ava are both adopted. That's why we are both werewolves." Rose says and they nod.
I think they are not even intrested in what they are saying. All they do is nod.
"Im the oldest of 6 brothers and I have short term memory loss like Dory but I remember some stuff." Allison says and actually Vylad I think the only cool one decided to talk to her.
"Aww I'm sorry to hear that I hope you get better." He says and Allison smiles at him and thanks him.
"Let's see... I'm the only child, I haven't talked to my parents since highschool which was 5 years ago and I really don't like new music. I like late 1900's music like Eminem, Tupac, Biggie, Michale Jackson, and Prince. That kind of stuff." I say and they look at me.
"Really? I like those artists personally myself. Of course a beautiful intelligent girl like yourself would know those artists~." Laurance said to me.
"Excuse me? Are you seriously trying to flirt with me right now? Sorry buddy not interested." I say and the band members laugh.
The girls including me are confused.
"I like her. She's practically the only girl that turned down Laurance."
Garroth says laughing.
"Well besides that one girl back in highschool. She had no mercy for you at all!" Dante says and chuckles.
That's when it hit me. I did talk to Laurance before because I WAS that girl that turned him down.
I had a free period right now so I had nothing to do. I was walking around the school dongs nothing all bored when I felt a tap on my shoulder I turn around and see Laurance Zvahl smirking.
"Hey Your Y/N right?" He asks me and I nod my head.
"Yea I am. Who's asking?" I say and he laughs and rubs the back of his neck.
"I actually am. I was wondering if you would want to go out with me on Friday~" he says and I look at him.
"Sorry but no." I say and he looks at me.
"W-What?" He says not sad but confused.
"Look Laurance I don't want to go out with someone that practically flirts with every girl that he sees. We don't even have anything in common from what I know. And plus I don't want to be known as one of your whores that you went out with and left." I say and walk away leaving him dumbfounded.
"That was also Y/N actually. We went to your school." Rose says and I look at her.
"Wait really?" Dante said and they nod. The four boys look at me wanting to know of us true or not. Laurance wanting to know probably the baddest.
I sigh and just look at them.
"Yes it was me..." I say and the boys even laugh more.
"Laurance got rejected by the same girl! Oh this is rich!" Dante says and Laurance glares at him.
A guy walks in and looks at us.
"I'm sorry to bug your conversation but other people are waiting." He says we get up and area bout to leave until.
-Vylad's POV-
I go over to the girl and look at Y/N.
"We should talk sometime! Maybe we could meet up and watch a F.R.I.E.N.D.S marathon one day." I say and she smiles.
"Sure thing here." She gives me her phone and I give her mine. We exchange numbers and wave eachother bye.
I come back and all the boys have there jaws open.
"What?" I say as they look at me.
"Vylad you gave your number to a person you don't even know baby brother." Garroth says and I shrug.
"Y/N seems cool. She doesn't care if we are famous or how we look." I say and I look at Laurance.
He's in his own mind.
"Y/N she seems..." he can't finish his sentence and he's in awe.
"Aww is someone sad that they got rejected?" Dante says in a baby voice.
"Dante. Shut up." He says and we laugh.
These two girls walk in wearing 'we love Laurance' shirts.
Oh Irene this interview is going to be really interesting.
-Laurances POV-
I wasn't really hearing what the two girls were saying to me I was just thinking about Y/N. She was very interesting. She didn't like our music but said we did good. She's confusing and doesn't throw herself at people.
I like her. I need to get her number from Vylad...

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