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I run into school the next day and head right for jacks locker. when I get close jack sees me and smiles. "hey. how are you doing?" he asks "jack! I had like a memory play back when I touched a picture of my mother last night. just like when I entered your house I had one about your dad." I say between breaths. "Wait so if you touch something you can have like a vision?" jack asks "I guess" I say. I shrug. "hey how about you come over to day and we can try it out?" jack asks and I nod.

The bell rings signalling the end if class's for today. I walk out of the math class room and to my locker. when I touched the locker door, my mine goes into one of those 'visions' as jack would say. its jack running into my locker door. then my mine goes back to my locker.

Soon I hear jack calling my name. the smash. he runs right into my locker door.

"Owww" jack says as I help him up of the floor. well tried to help him up. I ended up falling on top of him. "um...sorry" I says getting up and rubbing the back of my neck. "no problem" jack says doing the same. "well.. come on, let's go" he says and grabs my hand. I feel my heart jump like 7 times.

We run out to his mother cycle. when I touch it I see the mother cycle, but it's broke down in a forest. then I snap back to reality. "hey jack, I bet you 5 bucks that this big is going to brake down on are way to your house." I say and he laughs. "I just got I fixed so good luck on that.

"Told you it would brake down!" I say standing in the rian, next to a old broken down bike. "Yeah well...." jack says looking for words. "where are we?" I ask and jack looks at me worried. "were.....well...." . "you have no idea do you?" I ask and jack nods. sigh. I guess we're staying for the night here.

Seeing things (jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now