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I walk into school, and to my locker. "snowflake!" I hear someone yell.i don't even has to turn around to knows its jack. "Hey" I say as jack runs up to me. I open my locker and a note falls out "what's that?" Jack asks "I don't know" I says as I pick it up. I look at it and see it's a picture of my family. but there face's are marked with big red X's. I drop the picture and put my hand over my mouth. I feel the tears starting to weave there way from my eyes. then jack picks up the picture. "oh my god, elsa" he says picking me up on my feet then hugging me. "who put that there." I says as I close my locker.

We start to walk to are next class, art. when we arrive I sat in the back of the class with jack.

"Okay class, my name is mrs.swan and I'm going to be our art teacher." she says. she is beautiful she has long blond hair and blue eyes. "now today I just want you to draw what ever comes to your mind." she says and we start.

I start to think I what to draw. then a picture pops into my head. it's a man standing in front of a house. so I start to draw.

When I finish the bell rings. jack looks over at my picture and his eyes widen. "what is it horrible?" I ask and he looks up to me. "that's my father" he says and i look at him confused. "where did up this man?" he asks and I shrug. "I've never seen him it just what pop into my head." I say and jack gets up and walks out. what the hell just happened?

Seeing things (jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now