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We say down after we got to this hiccup's house, and he came running in. "were is she! the one with powers!" hiccup runs in yell. i look at jack and he smiles then rubs the back for his neck. "you told him!" I yell whisper at jack "well yeah, I knew he could help." jack says and gives me an unsure smile.

Hiccup runs up to me and puts out his hand. "hiccup haddock the third." he says. "elsa summers." I grab his hand and shake it. "so how exactly can you help me?" I ask him and he chuckles. "well my great grandmother study people like you, then she died an gave be a book she made of your kind. so I start to get interested in powers like yours." he says.

"So what is it you want to know?" hiccup asks "well... how come that when I have a vision my nose starts to bleed, but when jack touches me it stops?" I ask and hiccup smiles. "well that means he's you healer. people with your powers always have healers that are like close to them. so jack are you like her cousin or something?"

"Nope" jack says as smiles.

"Best friend?" hiccup asks



"Well I don't know on that one?" jack says and turns blood red. "yes hiccup he's my boyfriend" I say and smile "I am!?" he ask excitedly "yes jack you are." I says and give him a peek on the cheek. as soon as I do. I fall to the floor and grab my head.


"a vision" jack says and he grabs her hand but she just keep screaming. "why isn't this working?" jack asked "it should work unless the vision is about you then it won't work" I tell jack and he pull elsa into his lap.

After 10 mins. of elsa screams, she falls asleep. "is that normal hicc?" jack asks me "yeah, she just tired herself out." I say and jack sighs. I look down at elsa and she has blood from her nose running down her face and shirt.

I also see that her tears are blood. that not normal. "um jack, when she cries her tears are blood, that not normal..." I start but get cut off by jack. "what dose it mean"

"It means elsa dying," I says and jack looks up at me with a worried expression. "and I don't know how long she has."

Seeing things (jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now