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At a very young age I was this sweet lovely girl that smiles a lot and that every one loves.
But that's  girl is gone. Since when I witnessed the murder of my sweet father who was killed by my cruel of a bitch mother, that day my life was shattered, I never new weather I can love ever again.
A year after my father's death, my mom got married to a  general. She claimed he was  her first love since high school before she was forced to marry my father.

He abused me day after night, I didn't have any friends or anyone to call my own. After school I mostly lock my self in my room practicing kick boxing and sometimes  after school I go for kick boxing classes, it helps me to relax and makes me that person I am know.

After years of torture, my heart became as heard as stone I didn't allow   any one to get in. If am angry I express my anger on others, Especially one little twerp Damon  McQueen, he was this easy going  nerd, and he is my personal nerd no one tries to bully him but me he has been on my tail since junior high, some times I wonder why he never reports me, after all I have done to him, till one day after our high school graduation party I told him to 'get out of my life and get lost', and guess what since then I never saw him again.

Two months after my graduation my mom died of breast cancer. It was one of my happiest day ever, after eleven years I finally broke record and smiled, that fucker of a step dad of mine was crying but I new it was fake, because I new he wanted  to take over my father's businesses. But one thing is I don't fair him any more. There was a time he wanted to hit me but I tackled him to the floor since that day he never tried touching me again, I guess the kick boxing classes paid off after all.

Am in college now  far away from that brute. But guess what am still a bully still got no friends and am proud of it.
No guy tries to fucking talk to me but this sexy  body of mine that I hate isn't keeping them away, but I love  breaking hearts well it's not my fault it's my way of just being me.

My name is Rossy Williams and this my story.

************************************holllaw my peps welcome to my new book hope u enjoy it and plz leave a lot of comment and likes muah

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