p r o l o g u e

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we gon pretend that's ^^^^ jungkook & chuul

strong language
top! guk
bottom! tae
um? that's like it lol


"this one ms. chuul." jungkook said, stern as usual.

chuul glances down at the application, eyebrows furrowing upon seeing the picture printed at the top right corner. "um..sir?"

"that one ms. chuul." jungkook said even more stern, indicating that he was dead serious before abruptly walking back towards his office.

haeyong leaned over chuul's shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of why she sounded so unsure over a job application. "did mr. jeon pick his new assistant?" haeyong said with excitement lining his voice.

chuul swiveled her office chair to face haeyong, throwing the application in front of the boy next to her. "it's a guy..."

upon actually looking at the information and the photo provided on the job application, it was indeed true: mr. jeon's soon-to-be assistant was a male.

another employee passing the two office workers overheard. deciding to investigate what was significant about mr. jeon hiring a male assistant, he leaned his lanky body across the two's desk.
"uh-hey guys, what's the big deal about that?"

chuul and haeyong looked up simultaneously at the male worker standing idly in front of their shared desk. "clearly you haven't been working here long." haeyong rolled his eyes.

chuul laughed, but quuckly hit her desk mate on the shoulder. "be nice!" she leaned over the front of desk, cupping her mouth and speaking in a slight whisper. "it's a big deal because mr. jeon usually uses his assistants for sex more than anything."

the other employee just widened his eyes and let out a soft 'oh' before nodding and walking away.

"so we hiring him?" haeyong questioned as he leaned back in his own swivel chair.

"mr. jeon picked him so...we don't really have a choice, do we?"

"can't wait to see how this plays out." haeyong laughed before returning to work.

chuul's smile faltered a bit, wondering just why mr. jeon jungkook, head ceo of the biggest corporation in korea, was hiring a male assistant (if he was planning to treat this one the same as every other assistant he's had).

either way, the young employee picked up her desk phone and dialed the number listed under 'main contact' on the application. it only took three rings to get through before chuul was met with a soft and gentle 'hello?'.

"hi, am i speaking to kim taehyung?"

"you are."

"hi mr. kim! i am calling to let you know you have recieved the job of assistant to ceo jeon jungkook at k.f.a. corporations! we'll need you to swing by this wednesday at 2 pm to fill out paperwork, go over what exactly you'll be doing, and, of course, meet mr. jeon." chuul smiled through the phone as she told taehyung the good news.

"that's awesome to hear! thank you so much! i will be there wednesday."

"great! thank you." she smiled again before hanging up, letting out a sigh after the phone was set back down. "ya know...i almost feel bad for him."

"why?" haeyong asked, eyes remaining glued to his computer screen.

"i dunno...just what is mr. jeon going to do to that boy?" she rubbed the bridge of her nose, already wanting to go home.

"have more faith in the dude, chuul. maybe he isn't such a bad guy. maybe he—"

"is he hired?" a gruff voice came from in front of them.

the two shot their heads up to see mr. jeon standing once again in front of their desk, eyes stern as always.

"yes sir." chuul answered attentitively.

jungkook nodded and outstretched a hand, grabbing back the manila file that held kim taehyung's information.

"sir—" chuul was going to say something about how she still needed the file, but jungkook's back was already turned to her and he was already briskly walking away. "god, he frustrates me so much sometimes!" the girl once again rubbed the bridge of her nose, causing her glasses frames to shift upwards slightly. she tucked a loose piece of light brown hair behind her ear before sinking back into her office chair.

"prolly because he hasn't had a good fuck in awhile."

"jesus haeyong, he'll he hear you." chuul aggressively hit his arm. once haeyong was quiet, the young girl spoke again, "i just wish this taehyung kid the best of luck.."

jungkook huffed as he took a seat in his large leather chair. his eyes gleamed over the picture of a very handsome young boy by the name of kim taehyung. well, by 'young' he means only 3 years younger than himself. (a/n: i know i know, hush tae's gonna be younger in this).

there was something jungkook likes about this taehyung. maybe it was his looks. well...it was probably his looks because his resume wasn't all that impressive. why jungkook was even hiring the boy was beyond him. there was just something calling him to the boy. he couldn't even explain it himself.

a change of pace couldn't hurt...jungkook thought to himself, bringing a pen up to his lip in careful concentration. i've never had a male assistant.

maybe this could be fun.


i'll keep this authors note short
lemme just say hi and welcum to my new book;) it's gon 
s p i c y

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