f o u r

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remember that pic for later lol^^^
posting this chappie early for my bffl:)

taehyung looked at the time on his computer. '3:37pm'. that meant friday was, thankfully, almost over. just as the boy was thinking about getting to go home, his office phone rang. he looked at it a moment before reaching for the device. he didn't even remember getting a work phone. he looked at jungkook hoping for an answer, but the latter just sat there flipping through files. finally, tae picked up the phone. "hello?"

"yah~ your new phone works! great! this is chuul, could you come out here for a minute?"

"yes ma'am, i'll be right there." taehyung pushed his chair back and stood up. he looked over to his boss to see if it was alright for him to leave, but of course, he didn't look up, so the younger trodded over to the big wooden door.

"tae! wanted to talk about this weekend with you." chuul called upon seeing taehyung. apparently she already felt comfortable enough to give him a nickname.

"this weekend?" taehyung questioned as he leaned against her desk.

"oh, do you not know?" haeyong interjected.

the younger hummed, thinking if anyone had mentioned anything about this weekend. "no?"

"typical jungkook." haeyong rolled his eyes and murmured.

"anyways, this weekend is a company excursion!"

"—and by excursion, she means a lame company outing we're all required to go to." haeyong leaned back in his chair with a huff.

"okay they might not be exciting for people who have gone hundreds of times, but it's a new experience for you, so it should be fun!" chuul smiled, her pearly whites having the ability to make taehyung comfortable with the idea of a company outing.

"oh...i mean, it sounds like i don't have a choice, but i'll make the best of it." taehyung laughed, more to himself. he was never one for big social events or gatherings, so this should be great.

"at least you're looking on the bright side." chuul laughed. "i'll email you the info?"

"sounds good."

"or you could talk to mr. jeon about it."

"eh..email it to me." taehyung awkwardly laughed before bowing and heading back inside the office.

he immediately checked his email upon sitting down. the most recent email was, of course, from chuul, so taehyung double-clicked and read over it.

"mandatory company excursion — april 4/5/6

please be outside k.f.a. building at 7am saturday morning. company buses will provide transportation to and from cabins. we will arrive by 10am saturday morning to check into the cabins. cabins are already preassigned. we will return monday afternoon. please make work arrangements if needed.

below is an attachment of the weekends schedule.

*schedule attachment*"

taehyung clicked out of the email after looking over the attachment. he was going to have to socialize and be out this weekend? and what was he going to do with bao?

he whipped out his cellphone and quickly dialed his best friend. unsurprisingly, it only took one ring before he picked up. "hey hobi." taehyung smiled through the phone.

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