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taehyung checked his phone's clock, suspecting it was almost time for the company bonfire. as it was close to 7, tae decided to head out. he thought about knocking on the bathroom door since jungkook had been in there a good 20 minutes, but who knows, the dude could be taking a shit. not tae's business.

the boy walked out the door, immediately being hit with the fresh night air. it was just cool enough for a light jacket—taehyung's favorite kind of weather. he looked up a moment to see an onyx sky littered with twinkling lights. it really was beautiful out.

he began making his way down the main gravel path, following a small crowd of people who he assumed were headed to the campfire as well. sure enough, just down the path was a large group of people seated in a circle. in the middle was a large stone fire pit filled with logs which were currently blazing sharp hues of orange and yellow. taehyung's eyes widened a bit at the sight of the monsterous flame. he quietly seated himself in the ring of people, going fairly unnoticed. tae looked around for a familiar face like chuul or jimin, but he couldn't find anyone, so he went back to watching the fire.

people around him socialized and drank, having the utmost fun, whilst taehyung sat there, adamantly enjoying the fire. it was fine with him though, socializing was something the boy didn't really care to do, so sitting here idly was just fine.

the only thing he didn't like about it was the fact that the silence in his head was almost deafening. how, even when there was so much noise around him, his head was eerily quiet. it allowed a range of bad thoughts and emotions to come rushing in. suddenly, he was thinking about things from years ago. things that were trying to drag him back down into the dark. things like jungkook.

why couldn't jungkook just pick a side? either be a stern boss, or a nice one. why did he have to play with taehyung? calling him 'kitten' and making advances on the younger, being nice and offering him food, and then the next moment being cold. it didn't add up. and surprisingly enough, it hurt taehyung. he knows he's only been there for 4 days so far, but so much has happened in that short amount of time. it was really like a rollercoaster.

taehyung just didn't like that he couldn't figure jungkook out. he no longer knew how he should act around the elder. what scared him was not knowing what would happen next.

while all these thoughts rushed around his head, he hadn't even noticed the tears pricking at his eyes, or the way he shook a little. he looked away from the flame, almost feeling it.

another panic attack.

this time, it seemed more justified than the one from the other night. just as he started to tell himself to 'breathe', he made eye contact with jungkook. taehyung didn't know how long the other had been sitting there across the fire. had he seen the tears welling at the others eyes? had he seen the way the young boy visibly shook on a seemingly nice night? had he seen the boy get off from his seat and run off while his cry's turned into sobs? taehyung didn't think so.

he ran in the direction he hoped his cabin was in. his tears started falling like rain, making the world go blurry.

a small cabin with the familiar number 13 came into view. taehyung ran up its stairs and about broke down the door. immediately upon entering, he ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. he let his back slide down the door, and his knees rise to his chest. he let fat tears roll down his cheeks, and loud sobs leave his mouth.

his thoughts were getting louder and louder.

remember last time? remember him? when you trusted him. when you let him in and he broke you? jungkook's just like him.

he'll never change.

his sobs became screams and he could feel himself slipping. but just when he thought he had lost it, a loud knock sounded against the door. when taehyung didn't answer to the knock, the sound turned into booms, whoever was outside desperately wanted inside that bathroom.


taehyungs sobs stopped. he sniffed as his eyebrows furrowed. is that...jungkook outside?

"taehyung let me in."

"n-no." taehyung meant to sound firm, but the words ended up slipping from his lips. he felt the tears rise again.

"then get away from the door!"

taehyung's wails muffled whatever jungkook was saying, so he sat there, hands desperately gripping his legs as he burrowed his head into his knees. he felt a weight slam against the door.

he's coming for you tae.

the boy clawed his way over to the bathtub, more salty tears falling effortlessly from his almond eyes. he felt like he was going to throw up.

suddenly a crash came from the door, and there stood jungkook, who just broke down the door. he wasted no time rushing to taehyung's side. his arms latched around the younger, attempting to pull him in.

"let me go! let me go!" taehyung shouted, banging his fists against the other's chest.

jungkook resisted taehyung's flails. "shh, baby it's okay." he clutched the boy tighter, bringing one hand to taehyng's hair, petting him softly. "it's okay. breathe for me taehyung."

finally taehyung had stopped resisting. he sniffled as he was held like a baby by jungkook. "please." taehyung almost inaudible whispered.

jungkook looked down. finally the two met eyes. taehyng's face was filled with pain and sadness; weakness. jungkook's was filled with genuine worry and possibly guilt.

"please what?" jungkook whispered back, still running fingers through the boys dirty blonde hair.

"stop." taehyung spoke once again so so softly.

before he knew it, jungkook wrapped one arm under his legs, and the other under his back, picking him up bridal style. the elder carried taehyung over to the bed, lying him down ever so softly. "stop what, taehyung?" jungkook brushed the bangs from taehyng's forehead.

"s-stop...confusing me." he sniffed. "y-you're so mean to me one minute, and then you're trying to f-fuck me the next." he sniffed again. "a-and then you act a-all nice to me." he sniffed again, letting a few stray tears dance down his cheek. his eyes were suddenly, incredibly heavy, a panic attack this bad took all the energy from the boy.

jungkook was going to explain everything to taehyung. he was going to pour his heart out to the young boy, explain why he was like this—hot and cold. but when jungkook looked down, he was met with a now peaceful face. one that looked so elegant and regal as it let out soft snores. jungkook brought a hand up to the latter's cheek. "i'm sorry." he whispered before bringing his lips to meet taehyung's forehead, leaving the world's softest kiss.

the elder got up, bringing a blanket over taehyung's body before walking over to his bag. he quickly changed clothes before grabbing an extra blanket from the closet and lying it out on the floor. taehyung obviously deserved the bed and jungkook wasn't going to sleep beside him if the younger wasn't comfortable, which he clearly wasn't.

jungkook hoped, as he drifted off to sleep, that tomorrow he could get a chance to explain things to taehyung. to apologize for who he was.

and tell him why he was like this.

a bit of a filler chapter but uHAHAHHH just wait until chappie seveeeen>:)))

also tomorrow is my baby boys BIRTHDAY!!! i might do a bday special idrk but y'all better send him some love and help hashtags trend n stuff

hope you enjoyed:)

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