s i x t e e n

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who has read bts' webtoon 'save me'? bc this shit has me scrEAMING

it was quite a few days into their relationship, and jungkook and taehyung were getting off without a hitch. everything seemed to be going their way. from being subtly flirtatious around others, to downright making out in jungkook's office.

today though, it was a storage closet.

jungkook had sent taehyung off to go 'make copies', when really, the younger went straight to their floor's extra supplies/storage closet. then, jungkook would wait a few minutes and decide he had to pee, making a straight beeline for the closet.

and that's where they were now: making out whilst jungkook's hand was down taehyung's pants.

tae let out a shrewd moan and curled his fingers tighter in his boyfriend's hair. "shhh baby, we can't have people hearing." jungkook broke away from his lips to whisper in his ears, nibbling the sensitive skin afterwards.

tae nodded in response, letting his head fall back in pleasure as jungkook jacked his cock and sucked on his neck.

jungkook reconnected their lips, and it didn't take long after that for taehyung to cum.

after moaning out jungkook's name (as quietly as possible), he mentally face-palmed for getting his underwear dirty. "shit."

"it's okay kitten, i've got extra underwear here." jungkook took a step back, smiling.

"you do? why?" taehyung asked, looking down at his now flaccid, but still wet, crotch.

the elder shrugged. "i figured we might get into a predicament like this." he smirked.

taehyung lightly slapped his chest and gave the man a smirk back. "well...should i stay here while you go get it?"

jungkook hummed and gave taehyung a quick peck before sneaking out the door.

now alone, taehyung decided to fully remove his pants so he could discard his ruined underwear. as he was stripping, he noticed the handle turning, and figured jungkook had forgotten something.

but dear god, it was not jungkook.

jimin and taehyung simultaneously let out a loud shriek.

"whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck!?" jimin panicked, closing the door as quickly as possible.

"i'm sorry jimin—fuck." taehyung was cherry red now, pulling up his pants with no underwear underneath. "what're you doing on our floor!?" taehyung questioned.

"taehyung i just saw your dick." jimin panted out from the other side of the door, totally disregarding the other's question.

"i know—fuck, i'm sorry...you can come in." tae leaned his back against the wall, as he reclasped his belt.

"is your dick still out?" jimin laughed, but he was clearly pretty serious.

"no my dick isn't still out."

jimin slowly entered, peaking his head in before his body. a look of relief painted his face.

"care to explain?" jimin asked, closing the door behind him.

"promise not to judge...?" tae said, biting his bottom lip.

jimin hesitantly nodded his head, not saying anything in reply.

taehyung took that as a sign to keep speaking. "well...i was pulling up my pants after peeing and i guess i broke the toilet or something, so toilet water squirted up and got on my underwear. i didn't want to get in trouble for the broken toilet, so i came in here to change my pants. and don't worry, i'm gonna try and fix it before mr. jeon finds out." taehyung smiled, actually being happy that he came up with something that quick.

jimin was silent for a moment, like he was deciphering whether or not tae's story checked out. "it's happened to the best of us." jimin chuckled.

wait—what!? taehyung thought, quirking an eyebrow for a second. he laughed awkwardly and let out a 'yeah'.

little did he know jimin didn't believe his story for a second.

just as the younger was about to say something to get out of this awkward situation, the door handle twisted again and in snuck jungkook.

his eyes widened in fear and confusion as soon as he noticed jimin. taehyung grabbed his arm and pulled him in, shutting the door as fast as possible. if the closet wasn't cramped enough with two grown men in it, now there were three squished together.

"uhh..." jungkook let out, having an internal battle on what to say.

luckily, he didn't have to say anything thanks to jimin. "sorry sir, i know this looks weird. taehyung here accidentally spilled water on his pants and i was helping him out." jimin smiled, testing the other to see how he'd reply.

"right...that's um...why i'm here." jungkook tried to form a reason on why he was standing there. "i...brought taehyung a change of clothes." jungkook awkwardly smiled and outstretched a pair of underwear to taehyung who sheepishly took it.

"you have extra underwear in your office?" jimin asked with a laugh. "or is it yours?" he pointed down towards jungkook's crotch.

"get out." jungkook's tone was suddenly harsh out of no where.

jimin raised his eyebrows and looked to tae who uselessly looked at the ground, playing with his fingers. "um...okay? sorry." he gave the older a tight-lipped smile before awkwardly shifting his way out of the small space.

once he was gone, jungkook let out a heavy breath as he ran his hands through his hair. taehyung approached the elder, resting his hands atop the other's shoulders. "hey, it's okay. we're alright." he told reassuringly before closing the gap between them with a soft kiss.

it seemed like every time jungkook kissed tae, it was full of lust and need, but any time it was the other way around, tae kissed kook like he was the only one who meant a thing in this world. sometimes taehyung didn't like that dynamic, he felt like it should be the same from jungkook, but he wasn't going to lie and say it didn't turn him on.

the two broke apart and jungkook nodded. "i know...i just get so—so nervous, ya know?"

tae nodded as he slipped down his pants again, putting on the fresh pair of underwear. "i know baby, but it's okay. jimin probably thought it was weird, but he didn't see you and immediately think 'jungkook's gay', so don't worry."

jungkook nodded again and stayed silent as taehyung pulled up his pants, tucking in his white button up.

"you're worrying."

"sorry...we should get back to work." and without letting his boyfriend say anything, jungkook walked out. taehyung felt blue-balled, but in an emotional kind of way? he shook off his feelings and slipped out the door as well.

as he walked back to his and jungkook's office, his phone buzzed.

what's going on with u and jeon?

taehyung gulped as he read the message, deciding to ignore it for now. he didn't really have an answer anyways.

he entered the office where jungkook sat at his computer as usual, mindlessly typing away. tae quietly sat down at his own desk. he was bored out of his mind already, not really having anything to do.

suddenly, the younger's phone went off again. he sighed seeing that it was once again from jimin.

you can talk to me tae
i won't tell anyone<3

tae stared at the message awhile, wondering what to do. jimin was a nice guy, one that he should trust. taehyung decided that, and went to texting the elder.

meet me at lee yang's coffeehouse @6


sorry if this chappie was a let down:( i had motivation to write but not many ideas?

hope you enjoyed nonetheless<3

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