t h i r t e e n

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dedicated to my bffl who gives the BEST piggy-back rides:))

you shouldn't do this. taehyung thought to himself as he paced his bedroom floor. it's only tuesday night. he picked up his phone and tapped on hoseok's contact. fuck it.

"hey taetae."

"hi hobi. wanna go for drinks tonight?" taehyung plopped himself on his bed as he prayed hoseok would say yes.

"bro it's tuesday. anything wrong?"

"well i can tell you over drinks..." the boy smirked.

the phone went silent for a second before taehyung heard a sigh on the other side. "fiiine. but you're paying, shitface."

"deal. pick me up at 7?"

hoseok hummed in agreement and hung up. tae knew his best friend wouldn't be that hard to convince.

finally it was 7pm and hoseok rolled up to taehyung's apartment in a rundown, blue 1997 chevy silverado. he honked the horn and taehyung came striding out, sliding into the passenger seat.

hoseok looked him up and down. "are you dragging me to that gay bar again?"

taehyung rolled his eyes and scoffed, buckling himself in. "no." he huffed. "the regular one, i just want to look good for once." he looked down at his outfit which was black skinny jeans with rips, and a shiny silver button up tucked in.

"whatever you say taetae, no denying you look good all the time."

"and you aren't gay?" tae laughed, plugging his phone into the aux cord.

"hahaha you are so funny." hoseok deadpanned  playfully and moved the stick to 'drive'.

hoseok pulled up about 10 minutes later, to a fairly empty bar.

the two instantly found a seat and got to talking over drinks.

"alright, so explain to me why you dragged me out for drinks on a tuesday night." hoseok rested his cheek against his fist, getting ready to listen intently to his best friend.

"well...i'm still having trouble with my boss and—get this—a new guy started today and he started hitting on me right?" hoseok nodded. "and he goes to make a pass at me at the end of the day, which i was uncomfortable with, and suddenly jungkook shows up and punches him in the fucking face and fires him!" taehyung huffs, finishing his story.

"wait—so...does jungkook like you? i mean he punched someone that was trying to get with you..."

"that's what i can't figure out..." taehyung's laugher turned into a sour frown. "i went for it and confessed to him the other day and—"

"you conFESSED TO HIM!?" hoseok shouted, gaining attention form the few other people in the bar. "and why the fuck didn't you tell me?"

"cuz he turned me down!....and i forgot."

hoseok sighed, taking taehyung's hand into his own. "i'm sorry taetae. i don't understand though?...why would he say he doesn't like you but then do something to protect you."

"i really don't know..." taehyung looked off to the distance. "and i could've sworn i heard him say to himself that he likes me earlier."

"damn...this guy is hard to read!"

"i know right!?" taehyung joined in with hoseok's laughter. "let's just drink some more okay?"

hoseok nodded his head. he really didn't want either of them to get drunk, especially not taehyung with how much he was feeling right now.

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