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"um..s-sir." taehyung internally groaned again at his stuttering. feeling his face flush crimson red, he silently begged his boss to stop staring at where his ass just was and say something.

jungkook seemed to suddenly snap out of whatever trance he was in. upon realizing his was just caught staring at his new employees ass, his entire demeanor changed. he became more dominant and rough, standing up and walking towards taehyung.

the younger stood there, not knowing whether he should run or get down on his knees. as jungkook neared him, he prepared himself. his fingers fumbled and his eyes clamped shut.

to his surprise, no hands came into contact with his body. he slowly opened his eyes to see jungkook looking over the filing cabinet, checking taehyung's work, he presumes.

"looks like you got everything." jungkook said before closing the filing cabinet and walking back towards his desk. "now i need you to go pick up my lunch."

taehyung furrowed his brows. this is my job? to go pick up his fucking lunch, while he eyes my ass? taehyung began internally groaning for the nth time that day. "yes sir."

jungkook sat back down in his seat. "here." he huffed, holding out a yellow sticky note, small black letters scribbled out, alongside a sleek black card. "instructions. and my credit card." he said without looking up from his computer.

weirdo. tae thought as he grabbed the sticky note and card. he turned on his heels and headed out of mr. jeon's room, softly closing the office door behind him. ms. chuul noticed him and looked up, smiling. "how'd it go?"

he neared her desk, leaning against it with a huff. "he had me organize files and now i'm supposed to go get his lunch?" his statement sounding like more of a question, as he purposely left out the fact that his new boss had just been staring at his ass.

"not too exciting then?" she laughed.

"i guess i didn't realize i would just be a first-hand for some rich guy." he laughed stiffly.

chuul hummed, her smile turning a bit sad. "least it pays good."

taehyung let out a meekly 'yeah' and told chuul he had to go get mr. jeon's lunch before he was fired on his first day (wouldn't be the first time).

taehyung returned 40 minutes later, two bags of greasy fast food in hand. he passed by chuul and haeyong with a smile, and knocked twice softly before entering mr. jeon's office. once he shut the door behind him, he bowed "sorry it took so long sir, the bus—"

"sit." jungkook said, once again not looking up from his computer. tae furrowed his eyebrows, movements a bit hesitant as he moved to the horrid chair across from jungkook. he set down the two brown bags as he, himself sat down. without any words, jungkook took one brown bag and opened it, removing the contents onto his desk. he looked up expectantly at taehyung. he sighed when the younger didn't do anything. "that bag's for you." he huffed.

taehyung eyes widened a bit as he suddenly reached for the other bag. "o-oh, thank you!" he said shyly.

they both sat in a comfortable silence (well, comfortable to jungkook and hella fucking awkward to taehyung), as they chowed down on their burgers and fries.

"here's your card back sir." taehyung bowed his head as he handed back the man's company credit card. jungkook pocketed the card and thanked him with a silent head nod, before going back to eating.

"so tell me about yourself mr. kim." jungkook said, eyeing his own fries.

"um..." taehyung thought to himself about what he could possibly tell this man about himself. "well..im 24 and i live in guri near the han river...this is my first job in quite a while—" god, i should probably not say that. he stopped himself.

"mr. kim." jungkook said, making eye contact with a suddenly very flustered taehyung. "i meant tell me about yourself. tell me something different; something interesting." his voice monotones to match his unemotioned face.

"o-oh well...i really like photography, that's why i decided to live in a shabby house by the river because it's at least near the water, but—i guess i didn't decide to live in a shabby house, it's just what i can afford. i have a cat named bao that i love with all my heart and it's just me and him in my small house, just barely making it. and i—" taehyung stopped, widening his eyes. fuck, you're rambling. he put his hand against his forehead. "sorry." he said meekly.

"no, i was enjoying it." jungkook said, a very small smile on his soft looking lips.

"oh. sorry."

"stop apologizing."

"sor—right." tae went back to munching on his burger.

"i'll tell you a little about me." jungkook said, catching taehyung's attention again. "you probably imagine me living in a fancy house, rolling around in money but i'm really not like that. if i'm honest, i got this ceo position on accident. it's not my family's company that i 'inherited' because that's too mainstream. i was actually an assistant for the old ceo. he had a heart attack one day while at work and they ended up giving the job to me because i knew the most about the man's position."

taehyung nodded silently, seeing jungkook in a bit of a new light. he looked to the watch daintily sitting on his left wrist, the clock face reading 4:43pm. "sorry if this sounds rude sir but, we get off at 5 right?"

"that's correct. you can leave early today if you'd like. you did well for your first day."

taehyung bowed his head. "thank you sir. would you like me to clean up?"

jungkook replied with a nod and watched as taehyung leaned over his desk, grabbing the fast food trash. the younger put the trash in the bin and walked towards the door, turning around and bowing before heading out.

"wait, mr. kim—"

taehyung turned, just as half his body was out the door. "yes sir?"

jungkook was silent for a moment, before a light smile danced across his face. "have a good night."

"y-you too sir." tae smiled back before closing the door behind him. oh my god oh my god stop, he's so cUTE but hot? fuck. taehyung closed his eyes, he really needed to stop having wet daydreams over his boss.

whoop chappie #2

hope you enjoyed:)

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