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    We kill for a living and that's how we survived each day but our past is much darker than anyone else's. We were separated from our parents at a very young age. We were battered, trained and nurtured to be the best among the best of assassins. We were made to be cold-blooded and to never fear bloodshed. We were brainwashed to never be afraid even if our lives are on the line. We were assembled to murder, we are Stray Kids. There are nine of us total, we were all brought in on the same day, March 25, 2004.

  First, there's Bang Chan, code name, CB97, he's our leader, he looks out for the rest of us, he was the first one to arrive at the facility that day. He was only 6 years old at the time and he and his family had just moved to South Korea all the way from Australia. Chan is our mission coordinator, he makes sure we all know our jobs and that we all stay safe while out in the field, he also gathers all of the information on our target and plans our missions after headquarters names the target. He's also the archery expert in the group. He can hit a target with his bow and arrow from over 300 meters away, if we weren't a secret from the world, he would hold the world record or even win the Olympics.

  Then there's Woojin, code name, KJ, he's the oldest of us all and was the second to arrive at the facility. His mom was held up at work so she stayed on the phone with Woojin as he walked to the bus stop to go home. When the other line went silent she just thought that he was walking towards the bus stop, she never heard the phone drop, she never saw her beloved son again. Woojin was the best of the best when it came to swordsmanship. He continued his Kendo lessons after he was brought to the facility and eventually could defeat the top and the best swordsmen in the facility with his eyes blindfolded. He's part of our main line of defense, meaning when it comes to missions he takes care of the first kill, usually the most challenging.

  Next to arrive at the facility was Minho, code name, Mino, he's the most handsome, in my opinion, but you didn't hear it from me! Minho was dancing on the playgrounds when he was picked up, his dad took him to play with the other kids and when he came back, Minho was gone. Minho was always good with people, he was just flirty, and he always could fit into any crowd. He's our disguise genius when we need someone to infiltrate the targets social group, Minho is our go-to person. He's also one of the stealthiest, he can flirt his way out of any situation and he's very flexible, he can break into anywhere without anyone knowing he was ever there, but all he talks about wanting to do is dance, we don't get time to enjoy ourselves, we sure as hell don't get enough time to dance.

  Our next member, I'm not gonna lie, when he walked in, I thought he was the youngest of us all, he's older than me, sigh. Seo Changbin, code name, SpearB, he's small and he looks like he can and will kill you in a heartbeat but he just wants to have a good time with people. Changbin was with his mom at the store, in the toy section was he was picked up, his mom thought he just wandered off in the store, she spent hours looking for him before she felt her heart sink. Her son was gone. Changbin is who we use to extract information from people, he looks so intimidating. Changbin excelled in knife throwing after his first lesson, and he can hit any target no matter the distance or size of the target, at night when we're all asleep, Changbin sits under his bed sheets, with a flashlight, his contraband notepad, and a pencil. He expresses everything in his lyrics, and sometimes I even hear him rap to himself, how I wish one day we could rap and sing together without fear of being put into punishment.

  Hwang Hyunjin is my age, also born in 2000, code name, H.Jin. Hyunjin was picked up the day of his surprise birthday party, his mom took him to the movie theatre while his dad set up and welcomed all of his friends, only the party didn't go as planned because Hyunjin never came back. He's one of the most motivated people I've ever met. He learned all of the basic skills that we learned when were 5 the quickest, from pressure points, knife grips, basically everything, Hyunjin learned it within weeks of arriving at the facility. I don't know if it was his looks, his laugh, smile, or the way he talked that made everyone follow him, he was charismatic and cunning, a skill you need for what we are doing. I remember the first year we spent at the facility, Hyunjin cried himself to sleep every night, then I started to hold him, and his sobs lessened, he grew used to it, I still crawl into his bed sometimes, mostly to comfort myself at night.

  The next person to arrive was me, Han Jisung, code name, J.One. I don't want to be here, my backstory- irrelevant, I want out of here, I can't do this anymore, after what the people in charge made me do, I just want out, I'm going to find a way out. They're scared of me, I know they are, I'm the most dangerous one, they made me like this and they're going to pay for it. My closest friend here arrived alongside with me, Lee Felix, code name, Lix. He was brought here all the way from Australia, we had to communicate in English, he and I, we're getting everyone out of here, together.

  Felix is our spy and a decoy, we send him in when we need eyes on the ground. he's also trained in Taekwondo, he was picked up after he caught one of the facility workers eyes. He's one of the most dangerous.

  Kim Seungmin is an actual angel, code name, S.Min, he was walking with his older brother back from the gaming cafe, his brother tried to rescue him but in the end, it cost him his life right in front of Seungmin. He's intelligent, get him to a computer and the boy can hack into anything you want, he can build whatever you want, headquarters have made him build weapons that could wipe out entire nations. He can kill with the blink of an eye, he's one of the last lines of defense. Along with Seungmin in the last line of defense is

  Yang Jeongin, code name, I.N. He was the youngest of us all when he was brought here, 3 years old, he was crying and isolated himself but eventually, he warmed up to Chan and then the rest of us. Jeongin's story hurts me the most, he doesn't remember his family, whether or not he had siblings, all he knows is this facility, this way of life, all he knows is how to kill, he's never been able to make any other human connections beside the secret ones he has with us. He's basically our little brother, and I'm telling you right here and right now, I'm getting him out of here, he deserves a better life than this. We all deserve better, we are getting out here all together even if it kills me. We are getting out of here, all nine or none.

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