Chapter 2: Sanity and Humanity

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Flashbacks of all the peoples lives I've taken flashed in my mind. I dropped the blood stained knife on the ground, and dropped to my knees. I can't do it. I have to let the child go free. The door swung open as three men rushed in, our facilities back up, they grabbed me by the arms, handcuffing me behind my back, as I looked to the side on of them had picking up the child "NO DON'T TAKE HIM NO!!!" I tried to break free but the guards were too strong, holding my in place as I watched the man carry out the young child who by now was screaming out for his parents. The parents I murdered. "J.One you're turning soft, you need a reminder of who you are, what you are." As soon as we left the murder site, I never saw that young boy again, the boys whose life I ruined, whose parents I murdered, whose future I've changed.

The one thought that got me through this was that I didn't kill him, he still has the chance to live the life he was meant to live. As we got into the car, I felt the piercing pain in my neck, realizing too late that one of the guards had injected me with a serum, the kind Felix uses to knock out his victims. I woke up in an isolation cell, and as I became more aware of my surroundings, I realized I was being held down, as a man strapped a mask on my face. The voice of a woman spoke "Setting up virtual reality," There was nowhere for me to go, I sunk into the ground letting them do as they pleased. As I looked up, several children were in front of me, children from my past, before I was brought here, innocent children. "Kill the them, no survivors." the monotone voice of the woman spoke again. "No way! I can't!" I screamed, backing up from the figures in front of me. A jolt of pain ran up my body. "Preparing electric shock of a higher voltage, kill the children, or receive a shock." I backed up once again. "No, No, I can't do it, I'm not a monster, I'm not a monster." I kept repeating to myself over and over again, as another shock ran up my body, paralyzing me for several second. "Please, let him be alright, just, Please." Jeongin's voice rang through my ears. "I can't lose Jisung hyung," I could hear sobs in his voice.

"Fck this." I used the gun for the virtual reality and shoot the children running up at me, with each bullet, I could feel my humanity slipping away from me. I hate it. I HATE THAT IT'S BEGINNING TO BECOME EASIER TO SHOOT THEM. "They aren't real, They aren't real." I kept repeating to myself, however as I listened to their pleas, begging me to not shoot right before their lifeless bodies dropped to the ground, I knew, this is who I am, what I am, a murderer, what humanity I had left, was fleeting. The last child looked at me with pleading eyes, tears spilled out of his eyes, I felt nothing as I gripped the trigger, firing the bullet and watching him drop to the ground before me. "J.One you are now ready to leave." The mask was taken off of me and the guards pushed me out of the cell. "Get back to your dorm," they ordered.

I got up and slowly made my way back to the dorm flashbacks of the virtual reality replaying in my head. Those children I've shot. Each one making me feel less remorseful, each one stripping me bit by bit of my humanity until I was emotionless, I kept thinking of the child I saved, thinking he was out there somewhere, alive, because of me. I opened the door to the dorm. "Jisung hyung!" Jeongin hugged me tight. I became weak in his arms, falling to floor I bawled my eyes out. "They made me shoot children in augmented reality." I could hear Jeongin let out a  soft gasp."I'm a monster. Every child I shot made me feel less human. It felt easier and easier to shoot them." He looked at me worry written all over his face. 

Weeks passed and countless missions were given again. This time there were no more children given to me. They were given to the other members and seeing the life drain out of these children at the hands of the only family I've ever had makes me sick. I should save these boys. But what can I do? They're all I've got now, we can't go back to our families, what would we tell them that we're murderers? We don't even know who we have to go back to. The idea of escaping became less and less possible, the hope I once had was fading. When we arrived back to the dorms Seungmin approached "Chan hyung wants to talk to you," he softly spoke. I was about to go meet Chan when Hyunjin called me to the training room...

 I was about to go meet Chan when Hyunjin called me to the training room

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