Chapter 7: Midnight Escapade

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"Let's just take the exit on our floor." Chan hyung said. "Why is that?" I asked. "Well you're still injured Jisung. Going to the fourth floor will tax you out and it'll be hard since security is tight." "I'm sorry I can only slow you down." I said while looking down. "Don't be sorry mate. You only did what that you thought was best for us." Felix reassured me. "I did a quick scan when I was buying food and to be honest they did add a lot of security guards now. The exit here is actually locked." Woojin hyung told everybody. "Hey Minnie can you do that scan thingy that you always do?" Changbin asked Seungmin. Seungmin can only sigh because of the demanding hyung. Also Seungmin is in a lot of stress since we are relying on him to disable most of the CCTVs in the facility so Minnie is a bit fussy. "Look Changbin hyung that shit isn't easy okay? That takes a lot of coding and I don't know if it would be finished by midnight. That thing can indeed save us if there is really an alarm behind that door but if there's none I just wasted effort." Changbin tsked and stared at Seungmin ever since this morning Seungmin wasn't in the best mood because he had a hard time hacking this was completely not read by Changbin hyung so Minnie got annoyed. "It wouldn't hurt to try." These two always fight I swear, they'd kill each other if the rest of us weren't here, more like Seungmin would kill Changbin. "Why don't you just sharpen your knives Changbin hyung or are you going to use your chin to kill our enemies?" I almost laughed at Seungmin's remark but Changbin hyung wasn't having any of it so I sucked in my laughter, I don't to be on Binnie hyung's bad side. Hyunjin and Felix are hiding their smiles while Minho hyung was already on the ground dying of laughter, no chill. Woojin hyung talked first "SEPARATE YOU TWO! Bad things can happen when the two of you are together." He went in the middle of Bin hyung and Seungmin because the two of them are now standing faced to face. "It was his fault! I was only asking nicely." The older one protested. Still not taking into consideration the stress that Seungmin is in. Dang hyung you just have a death wish. "It's because if you knew a thing or two about computers you would understand how hard it is to hack into the systems of this facility. Do you know how heavily locked they are? No! You don't! Stop back off." Seungmin retorted almost all of his stress and frustration was let out on Changbin hyung. "Chan take care of your children will you? And you Changbin learn to read the lines sometimes. Seungmin is already stressed out. I'll let Chan talk to you guys." Woojin said and went to the kitchen to prepare the food he bought. "Cut it out you two. Please give each other space will you. Changbin just go with Felix and Minho then go sharpen your knives. Seungmin calm down. I know it's a burden that we give you a time limit of midnight but we know you can do it."  Chan hyung patted Seungmin's shoulder and he went back to his laptop. Felix pulled Changbin to the place where we sharpen our weapons and Minho hyung suddenly laugh out loud "Will you sharpen your chin too?" This made Hyunjin laugh loud and me choke because I was holding my laughter. Felix almost spit into Changbin hyung's face because he was almost going to burst out laughing. Chan hyung was almost caught up in Hyunjin's laughter but maintained his poker face. Changbin just kept walking since Minho is older he can't really retort or say anything, he glared at Hyunjin for laughing out really loud, if looks could kill, we would all be dead. Jeongin was still dumbfounded but he was on the brink of laughing hard and Seungmin snickered. "Don't laugh children. You're only adding fuel to the fire." Chan hyung scolded all of us. Even though Seungmin was annoyed with Changbin hyung he still continued to do what he was best at. Seungmin was there typing away and trying to hack into the system but then we realized that we only have 30 minutes till midnight. "Jisung hyung." Jeongin called me. "Yes?" he scratched his head "Are we really going to be free?" I pat his head "If everything goes well and according to plan we'll leave this trashy place but we should not neglect the wrong things that may happen during the escape." Worry suddenly wash over his face. "So someone could die?" He asked with a shaky voice. He was afraid to lose the hyungs that he really love. The hyungs that took care of him every since he was a child. Being a year older than him we would always play together and the thought of him losing us is making him afraid. "No one is going to die Innie. It's NINE or NONE. That's what we promised right?" He nodded and I ruffled his hair.

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