Chapter 8: Freedom

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"Keep running guys!" I heard Chan shout as the sounds of the guards heavy footsteps approached. "Go straight till we're clear of the woods! They won't chase us out in front of the public!" He continued. I was in the lead, I looked behind me to make sure everyone was okay, I watched as the 8 boys dodged fallen branches and trees. I looked back in front of me, I hadn't realized that I had run right through the clearing of the woods, and was about to fall out into the open roads, with cars zooming past. If it weren't for Woojin reaching out and grabbing my shirt collar I would have fallen into the busy road. He grabbed my hand and pulled me with them. Minho was leading our group to the nearest police station. He had looked up the directions on Seungmin's laptop before we left. As we arrived at the police station, we all stood outside of the building. We had no idea what fate awaited us on the other side "We have enough evidence to drag them down here." Woojin hyung told us. "Hyung is right. It's not like we have much choice now." Minho hyung said "I think we should go now." I said, I could feel my heart beating like crazy in my chest, so crazy. We're finally out, not because of a mission but because we are close to being free. "What if they put us in jail?" Jeongin said and I pat his head. "They'll only put us in jail not you. We're in legal age though so be free." I said. "NO NO NO I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE WITHOUT YOU HYUNGS. You're my family. You guys took care of me when I was so young. I love you guys so much." He was crying and I was emotional too. "We need to do this. To stop them from doing what they did to us to other innocent children." Chan hyung said as he lead us to the door. He opened the door, I saw Jeongin shifting around, and I held his hand to reassure him that we would be alright. "What are you kids doing here?" A police officer said. It was 2am and having a bunch of children here dressed in black isn't really a nice sign. "We're here to file a complaint." Changbin hyung said and the police officer snickered. "What can you children possibly complain about?" The police officer chuckled, blowing us off completely. Changbin hyung hissed and growled "Just because we're kids in your eyes doesn't defeat the point of us filing a complaint." Chan hyung put his hand on Changbin hyung's chest to stop him. "We know something about the assassins you're looking for." Chan hyung said. The police's eyes widen. "H-How?" He sat up in his chair, suddenly becoming more interested in our complaint. We all looked at eachother uneasily before Seungmin spoke. "It's us. We were kidnapped when we were children, held captive. We were trained, tortured and threatened, we were told our only job was to kill. Not to mention the brainwashing they've done to each one of us. They kidnapped us from our families when we were young." Seungmin said. "How are we supposed to believe you? They've been untrackable and the assassins hide well. Now they want to reveal themselves. Is this a joke for you children?! It's goddamn 2am so don't bother us." The detective screamed at us so Seungmin got pissed "LOOK HERE. WE HAVE VIDEOS AND PICTURES TO PROVE EVERY SHIT WE'VE BEEN THROUGH! We could totally kick all your asses right now but we're not like that and if this was a mission to kill you guys we have already done it but it's not." He showed them his laptop showing all the clips and even the clips of the new children recruits. "They're making a new group and those are tad younger than us." Woojin said. The police officer looked at us with wide eyes. 'killers' was written in their eyes but who we are to judge them when they're right. "Please don't put us in jail. We never had a choice. Jisung hyung here planned on escaping but he got caught. Now they tortured him. He's still all bruised up and everything." Jeongin said "We never had a choice. Our childhood all we had were those white walls. Our hands never held toys it only handled weapons. We were not monsters, we were made to be one." Felix said. "You children still committed crime but aren't going to be held liable. The reason is that you guys committed these murders out of fear and being controlled." They explained "Can we have your names?" They said. "Yeah. I'm Bang Chan, he's Kim Woojin, Seo Changbin, Lee Minho, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Yang Jeongin and Han Jisung." The police officers typed in our names in their computers and they were shocked. "Why what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked "It's just that you guys were reported missing. Well almost all of you." I know I wasn't there. "It's me that's not there. My parents actually sold me to that facility." They all gasped, including the boys, I could just never bring myself to tell them. "For what reason?" I tsked "Money. My brother needed hospital fees." They nodded. "Well stay here for now while we try contacting your family members."

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