Character Q&A

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Q: Jisung,are you and Minho dating?
Jisung: Whaaaaaat pshhh i don't know what you're talking about. We aren't allowed to date...wait since we're free...Minho doesn't like me like that- No what I mean is we're friends- but- oh for fucks sake next question!

Q: Jisung, why'd you go through all that shit?
Jisung: Because the Sungie and Hannie liked to make me suffer :)) jk jk all my actions and consequences were based off of the polls so I mean...y'all tell me...

Q: Jeongin, will be allowed to stay with the boys? You're a minor-
Jeongin: I hope I am! I may be a minor but I can take care of myself and I know my parents just want me to be happy and I'm happy with Stray Kids, they're my family.

Q: Felix, Fortnite?
Felix: Omg!! I can finally play it!! I've never been able to but now I can! Ha! I'm totally gonna crush Changbin hyung at video games!

Q: Bang Chan and Woojin, What are you guys gonna do now? Where are you gonna stay if you all decide to stay together?
BC: Oh shit, we have to adult...I think we can figure it out somehow...
W: oh god...adulting...

Q: Jisung, are you going to save the other boys in the facility?
Jisung: I want to... we reported them... if the police don't save them... I will... I swear i'll bring that bastard (the boss) down, one way or another.

Q: Felix do love Changbin?
Felix: I mean he's great and all and he taught me lots of things so yeah I love him... As a friend, best friend and brother. Well yeah moving on.
Q: Jeongin have you ever thought of seeing your parents?
Jeongin: In fact I have but I always lose hope because of it. Thankfully I met them now because I don't really know their faces. I was 3 years old then and the other hyungs were 4 years old. They always played with me that kind of took my mind out of missing my parents. Also I didn't even know the outside world exist because all I've seen is the facility. I found out about it when I was doing my first mission when I was 9.

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