Chapter 5: Escape and Family

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"No, Felix you can't go with me. Stay here okay? I made up my mind already so stop asking." I said and before he can say anything I made my way out of the dorms. I sneak out moving to the blind sides of the CCTVs so that I won't get caught. I make sure my footsteps are light so that I won't make unnecessary noises and attract attention. As I walk around I write on my paper where the CCTVs are and how many there is so that when I go ask Seungmin to hack it for me he can easily know where the cameras are. I saw the first exit that I marked on the blueprint, it's on the same level as our dorm. There are also in other floors but this is the most convenient one. Sht the door's locked so I won't be able to go through here and see the way out. I try to see if I can open the lock but I can't so I just left it like that. There is also the exit at the rooftop maybe I can see if that's open. I made my way to the stairs so I can reach the rooftop. No one's here great; I mark the CCTVs again so that I know where they are next time I come up and so that we know where are the cameras we need to destroy. I look at the exit and it isn't locked. So that means, the one on our level is locked because we are living there. I think it's for the reason that we aren't allowed to leave at any time. I went in the fire exit and saw that this place didn't have any CCTV at all. Great, this will be our exit point if Felix can't lockpick the exit in our floor. I went down and I suddenly heard footsteps from downstairs. Shit. I forgot guards are roaming at this time. I glanced at my watch and try to go back up to the rooftop so I can slip into our dorms floor level. I reached the rooftop and I heard footsteps near the entrance of the rooftop. Oh shit I am so screwed if I get caught. Thank god I didn't bring the blueprint with me. I hide behind the walls and two guards in white was walking and in their hands was a taser. Ugh I want to curse more but I shouldn't so let's not do that. While their backs were facing the doorway I quickly move to the door and little did I know they saw me all I remember is the jolting shock running through my body before I blacked out.

I woke up inside a white walled room, tied up into a chair. When I was fully conscious I realized there were guards surrounding me. "So little J.One wants to escape." Big boss. I am so screwed please. "No I wasn't, I swear I wasn't." He chuckled. "Then explain this!" He held up the the paper marked with the CCTV locations. "Why were you marking them?! And WHY ARE YOU OUT WHEN YOU HAVE CURFEW!?" He slapped me with the paper. "We let you off easy when you didn't kill that child. J.One, your emotions shouldn't be at play here. YOU'RE AN ASSASSIN. YOU WERE MADE TO KILL! YOUR ONLY PURPOSE IS TO KILL! YOU'RE NOT ONE TO BE REMORSEFUL OR SORRY TO WHAT YOU'RE DOING." he holds my cheeks with one hand harshly "YOUR HANDS ARE ALREADY COVERED IN BLOOD HAN JISUNG. If you escape, do you really think you would be able to live normal lives? We can turn all nine of you into the police in a heartbeat," He released my face. Ouch his grip is strong. "So Jisung are you going to continue lying or are you going to confirm what you were doing?" He seethed. I want to leave that's all I want to do. "I just want to live a normal life with my boys, they're my family." He laughs "Family? You of all people to talk about family?" I looked at him confused, My past was never revealed to me, all they said was it's boring and that I don't really need to know. They told me I was taken just like everyone else. He chuckles "Ohh little Jisung doesn't know. You were sold to us J.One. Your family wasn't well off and your brother was in a bad condition, your family needed immediate medical attention for him and clearly they didn't care about you. The treatment was really expensive and that they needed money, we had the money. 100 Million won, that's how much you worth to them Jisung." WHAT?! THEY FREAKING SOLD ME TO THIS PLACE?! I teared up realizing they never wanted me. They sold me so my brother could live. Why would they? "It hurts doesn't it. That's why it was never said to you. Now, do you still want to escape?" That's not a hard question. "Y-Yes," I replied. "I don't want to kill anymore." Immediately, I felt the air escape from my lungs, a guard had punched me, knocking the air out of me. fck it hurts. "Your only skill is to kill Jisung. Nothing more and nothing less." Big boss said loudly, standing upright as I was hunched over, in pain, pulling against the restraints. "NO NO NO NO! I can do more and I know it. Don't limit me to killing!" The guard punched me square in the face again. I spit out blood, I ran my tongue against my lips and tasted the metallic taste of blood, my lip was cut. "No matter what we will escape and if we do you'll be the first person we'll target!" I threatened them. Which was a dumb move on my part, I am in no position to threaten them. He chuckles and holds my face in his hand again I wince in pain because of the harsh touch against all the bruises on my face. "Don't test me Jisung, or else your family might not make it our alive." he smirked at me. I don't care about them anymore. They didn't care about me so I won't care about them. "I don't know what family your talking about." I spat at him. He wiped his face with his other hand and gripped my face harder "I was talking about Stray kids you fool." he said through gritted teeth. I could feel the blood drain out of my face at the thought of my real family being hurt. "Don't touch them!" I growled at him. "They have nothing to do with this. Only I know this plan." He smirks "We'll see Jisung. If you don't change your mind you'll be stuck here." The guard punched me in the stomach again and I gasped in pain. "Let me go!" I screamed as I tried to free myself from the restraints. Suddenly, I felt a bolt of electricity shoot through my body. "N-no" I tried to fight it, to free myself. "Higher strength, prepare another shock." I heard big boss tell one of the guards. I felt another jolt of electricity shoot through my body, my muscles went limp. I couldn't move, it was like I wasn't in control of my own body but I could still feel all the pain. "L-Let m-me g-g-goo" I let out a gasp. "Highest voltage" Big boss ordered. "But sir- no one has ever survived-" the guard spoke but was cut off "Prepare it!" He shouted. Big boss kneeled down in front of me, gripped my face in his hands, he stared into my eyes "Are you still going to resist J.One, or are you going to be do what your told for once?" Holy shit this ain't it. All I feel is the pain, the amount of punches I'm receiving it all hurts. "F-Fine. Fine I give up. I won't think of escaping anymore." I sobbed The big boss raised his hand to signal the guards to stop. I spit out blood again because my lips are cut here and there. I know I have a cut on my cheekbones as well because I can feel the blood dripping. I probably have bruises all over my body now. I didn't know if I could move. Everything hurts, I feel numb and I don't know what to do anymore. "Make sure of that Han Jisung." He said and left while the other guard untied me from the chair. I can't move my body hurts so badly. I'm sore everywhere, I can't even lift myself up.

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